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softech 10-09-2014 11:03 PM

mportance of HTML
It is use to create static web pages.
All browsers support HTML.

janpaul7890 08-07-2016 11:35 PM

HTML is use to create static web pages, support all browsers and most of the web development tool support HTML. It is simple, easy to learn and understand.

HexagonInfosoft 08-07-2016 11:35 PM

Google and other seach engine also following HTML Page only !!

uStoreharddisk 08-09-2016 12:09 AM

html is needed for CSS and that is for web designing

vwebdevelopment 08-19-2016 01:46 AM

HTML is a primary stage for web designer. It is very useful language. As you are not a expert in programming language than you can build a website in HTML in very effective and efficient way.

eumaxindia 08-26-2016 11:49 PM

HTML is the acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a form of programming language that is used to make web pages on the internet viewable. So it can be said that it is because of HTML that web pages are interesting to look at, but the importance of HTML is often taken for granted.

eumaxindia 09-01-2016 03:27 AM

HTML is the acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a form of programming language that is used to make web pages on the internet viewable.....

John Anderson 09-01-2016 03:42 AM

With the introduction of HTML code, there was no need to type in HTML from scratch. Since then, many HTML editors have emerged, and the most popular ones today are Front Page and Dreamweaver.

maria5 11-10-2016 09:24 PM

Importance of HTML:
1. Simple and easy to use.
2. It is used to make website design.
3. HTML code is supported by every browser.
4. Basic knowledge of HTML allow your to create a webpage.

phamdung 11-11-2016 11:40 PM

HTML is very easy to understanding and should be the first language every programmer need to learn :D

Nandu41 01-02-2017 04:33 AM

HTML is the programming language that powers the web. And like any language, once you master it, you can begin to create your own content, whether that's simple websites or complex web applications. This course provides an in-depth look at the essentials: the syntax of HTML and best practices for writing and editing your code. Senior staff author James Williamson reviews the structure of a typical HTML document, and shows how to section pages and format your content with HTML.

tyagi 01-24-2017 09:53 PM

Well,Html is the key language of Web Development and it is the first language of Web Developer whatever you see on the Internet like any websites or webpages that is all embed into one langauge i.e HTML(HyperText MarkUp language).

anitatiwari01 04-13-2017 11:32 PM

HTML takes great importance in the field of Web Designing. Without this you can't create a Web Page.

bottlingplant22 04-14-2017 12:38 AM

I want to know about it, you have really helped me.

anitatiwari01 05-17-2017 01:44 AM

HTML is important as the base language that css, javascript and php plug in to. It provides the content that css styles and javascript.

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