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PeterGenesis 01-12-2018 07:29 AM

A backlink for a given web resource is a link from some other website to that web resource. A web resource may be a website, web page, or web directory. A backlink is a reference comparable to a citation.

raviverma 01-15-2018 04:16 AM

Backlinks are incoming links to a webpage. When a webpage links to any other page, it's called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tended to rank higher on all major search engines, including Google.

flowdzine 02-18-2018 11:52 PM

Links to your site using hyperlinks...can contain keywords.

The king 02-21-2018 04:12 AM

A backlink is a link one website gets from another website. Backlinks make a huge impact on a website's prominence in search engine results. This is why they are considered very useful for improving a website's SEO ranking. Search engines calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results.

tomhardy 02-21-2018 09:54 PM

Backlinks Idea
You can get backlinks from
Forums Submission
Press Release
Web 2.0
Guest Blogging

michael Amaral 02-26-2018 02:31 AM

Backlink is a link one website gets from another website. Backlinks make a huge impact on a website's prominence in search engine results. This is why they are considered very useful for improving a website's SEO ranking. Search engines calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results.

successmantra 03-06-2018 08:41 AM

Back link is hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page or Web site

multai 04-02-2018 03:03 AM

A backlink is a hyperlink that is used to link one website with another website. Typically, a backlink is created when an external website embeds a hyperlink on their website that points to a webpage or website.

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