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SolomonK 10-03-2013 11:21 PM

What is "Hummingbird".
Does anyone have any idea that how "hummingbird" is working
what his effect on SEO?
i'm not getting any sufficient answer to understand "hummingbird".
So please help me to find out the relevant answer about this query.

andrewc 10-03-2013 11:37 PM

Google actually released the hummingbird algorithm silently a couple of months ago. Basically if you were doing your SEO like you are supposed to (original and useful content) then you have nothing to worry about. Google is just trying to weed out useless and terrible websites, especially ones that are using black hat methods for their SEO. If your SERPs have not changed drastically in the past couple of months then just keep doing what your doing. If you would like more information on White Hat and Black Hat SEO check out my article at -

shoaib Marfatiy 10-04-2013 05:06 AM

Hi Andrewc
thanks for nice information,

jtindia 10-04-2013 05:37 AM

hummingbird a new algorithm that has been released few days ago it produce the results based on whole query unlike to the particular keywords as its not relying on keywords it is more emphasizes on the content....

theory996 10-04-2013 05:56 AM

"hummingbird" update is the best google update for seo

SolomonK 10-04-2013 06:02 AM

Thanks to all of them for giving me a basic idea about Hummingbird.
Now I can easily understand the deepest concepts of it.

enormity 10-04-2013 10:51 PM

Hi, very thanks for providing me information about Hummingbird, it will help me alot and it is the best new update for seo.

peterkevin 10-05-2013 03:28 AM

Google lunch new algo update with the name of hummingbird purpose for that update is to present good and useful search results to users.

spyindia01 10-05-2013 05:08 AM

About Humming Bird
Hummingbird is like Google’s entire ranking engine, whereas Penguin is like a small part of that engine, a filter that is removed and periodically replaced with what Google considers to be a better filter to help keep out bad stuff.

south mp3 10-05-2013 11:21 AM

thank's for the info.

C.Rebecca 10-07-2013 01:27 AM

Hummingbird is basically a change in how Google interprets the intent of a user’s query to ensure the returned results are appropriate.

For example, if I were to search for ‘’how do I install blue widgets in my house’’, Google would return a set of results that maybe included the words ‘’install’’, ‘’blue widgets’’ & ‘’house’’. With Hummingbird, Google will be placing greater emphasis on the other words in the search query such as ‘’how do I’’ and ‘’my house’’.

Google’s saying there’s nothing new or different in SEO with Hummingbird. Guidance remains the same, it says: have original, high-quality content. Signals that have been important in the past remain important; Hummingbird just allows Google to process them in new and hopefully better ways.

More on it here:

albertsmith31 10-07-2013 03:01 AM

"Hummingbird" is the latest Google update for seo.

jobtardisport 10-07-2013 05:20 AM

hummingbird is one of the updates of google which is released just a week back.
cent percent its works depends on content only. so furthermore we could target in unique content ..

Nittish Sharma 10-08-2013 12:25 AM

Thanks for sharing information about Google Latest Update. This really useful for me.

kiziben 10-08-2013 07:11 PM

My site hasn't been affected by this new algorithm.. I hope it will never...Since I always do white hat SEO.

austin11 10-08-2013 11:14 PM

hi i got nice idea about google latest update of Hummingbird algorithm.

ankitsharmag 10-09-2013 12:31 AM

hummingbird is a error of google like google panda and google penguin. as panda and penguin shows your website defects as it is also working.

sam davis 10-09-2013 01:35 AM

According to Google, this search algorithm is much smarter. It can answer questions, filter the answers, and give you comparison data, at a glance. You don’t have to click away from search results, hoping web pages will have answers…the data will be right there for you, easy to find.

zumanto 10-09-2013 07:30 PM

Google Hummingbird is a new update algorithm which targets the written content of the site. the grammar of the written content should be correct.

terrijhon 10-09-2013 10:04 PM

I don't know why google is hitting to SEO and not to PPC.Day by day google is updating itself against SEO and nothing doing against PPC.

Ship497 10-10-2013 12:24 AM

Hummingbird is basically a new algorithm for Google search engine. It changes the meaaning of searching in Google because with the algorithm update, Google will able to understand more the exact meaning of your searches.

edunom27 10-10-2013 04:37 AM

Humming bird is a new update of google which is used so as to have fast results by search engines..

tahir741 09-29-2014 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by andrewc (Post 309955)
Google actually released the hummingbird algorithm silently a couple of months ago. Basically if you were doing your SEO like you are supposed to (original and useful content) then you have nothing to worry about. Google is just trying to weed out useless and terrible websites, especially ones that are using black hat methods for their SEO. If your SERPs have not changed drastically in the past couple of months then just keep doing what your doing. If you would like more information on White Hat and Black Hat SEO check out my article at -

I agree with him nice post thanks for sharing

nathanleo 05-25-2022 06:01 AM

Studies have shown that hummingbirds can remember migration routes and every flower they've ever visited. They can also figure out how long to wait between visits so the flowers have time to generate more nectar. They can even recognize humans

quantumleap 05-25-2022 10:35 PM

What is "Hummingbird".
any of a family (Trochilidae) of tiny brightly colored nonpasserine American birds related to the swifts that have a very slender bill and an extensible tongue for sipping nectar and that usually hover rather than perch when feeding.
Known for erratic and agile movements, hummingbirds beat their wings more than 50 times per second, and even faster in extreme flight mode. They're also among the fastest fliers for their size, reaching speeds of up to 37 mph, and up to 60 mph in courtship dives. Psst—this is how long hummingbirds live.

AzharSEO 05-26-2022 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by theory996 (Post 310067)
"hummingbird" update is the best google update for seo

How hummingbird" update is the best google updates for seo could you explain..?

quantumleap 05-27-2022 04:10 AM

What is "Hummingbird".
any of a family (Trochilidae) of tiny brightly colored nonpasserine American birds related to the swifts that have a very slender bill and an extensible tongue for sipping nectar and that usually hover rather than perch when feeding.

parkbogumm830 07-06-2023 04:15 AM

Hummingbird, like Google's overall ranking engine, while Penguin is like a small part of that engine, is a filter that is regularly removed and replaced with a filter that Google deems better to prevent bad things from happening.

AizaKhan 07-13-2023 08:42 AM

Hummingbird is the codename given to a significant algorithm change in Google Search in 2013. Its name was derived from the speed and accuracy of the hummingbird. The change was announced on September 26, 2013, having already been in use for a month

parkbogumm830 07-14-2023 05:14 AM

Hummingbird, like Google's overall ranking engine, while Penguin is like a small part of that engine, is a filter that is regularly removed and replaced with a filter Google deems better to prevent bad things from happening.

tap2do 08-09-2023 05:06 AM

Thanks for sharing superb information about Google Latest Update. This really useful for me.

parkbogumm830 08-11-2023 04:47 AM

Hummingbird, like Google's overall ranking engine, while Penguin is like a small part of that engine, is a filter that is regularly removed and replaced with a filter that Google deems better to prevent bad things from happening.

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