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blisterpackage 11-27-2012 12:03 AM

Consistency Is The Key To Seo
There are so many tips and tricks to help you in the world of SEO and I all too often get asked for a list of quick fix SEO methods to get someones website to page 1 in a couple days.

Well this may have brought glory to some an SEO company or 2 out there but these quick fix methods rarely have staying power or substance enough to bring the true aim of SEO- to get to the top and stay there!

As the title suggestses, consistency is the key to getting great results with your search engine optimisation.

bermuda 11-30-2012 03:36 AM

What you say is true in theory because so many people look for fast ways of improving their websites ranks on the search engines and then get frustrated because SEO is indeed a very time-consuming job and sometimes only after several months of constant work, will changes in ranks appear. Consistency in building new quality links for websites and at the same time keeping them updated with fresh, informative contents that readers are looking for will ultimately generate the expected outcomes through enhanced web placements.

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