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Viewporttech 03-27-2017 07:40 AM

What is Html5 frameworks?
Where need to Html5 frameworks?

friendhrm 03-27-2017 10:13 PM

Following are my chosen 5 Frameworks, in no particular order:

• Sencha Touch
• jQuery Mobile
• M-Project
• NImbleKit
• Appcelerator Titanium.

duxte 03-28-2017 06:17 AM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page.

Viewporttech 03-28-2017 06:19 AM

Thanks you duxte.

hanhphucnho 03-29-2017 06:26 PM

Sencha Touch, .js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript

hongta 03-30-2017 10:59 PM

Top 10 best html5 frameworks?
1. Twitter Bootstrap
2. Foundation
3. Skeleton
4. HTML5 Boilerplate
5. HTML KickStart
6. Montage HTML5 Framework
7. SproutCore
8. Zebra
9. CreateJS
10. Less Framework

adityadev 07-14-2017 03:57 AM

Backbone.js is a structure that keeps running in the JavaScript motor by the program on a HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is an arrangement of CSS and HTML layouts (and some discretionary JavaScript expansions) that can be utilized to make website pages, rather than beginning from a void document.

Jessyk 07-16-2017 11:03 PM

1. Montage HTML5 Framework
2. Zebra
3. CreateJS
4. Skeleton
5. Twitter Bootstrap

BryceBrady 07-16-2017 11:12 PM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is a set of CSS and HTML templates (and some optional JavaScript extensions) that can be used to create web pages, instead of starting from an empty file.

Jayasree 07-18-2017 01:29 AM

• M-Project
• NImbleKit
• Appcelerator Titanium.

Aashi james 07-18-2017 03:33 AM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is a set of CSS and HTML templates

amgservice 07-18-2017 03:45 AM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is a set of CSS and HTML templates (and some optional JavaScript extensions) that can be used to create web pages, instead of starting from an empty file.

jenerous 07-18-2017 04:05 AM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is a set of CSS and HTML templates (and some optional JavaScript extensions) that can be used to create web pages, instead of starting from an empty file.

thevyakar 12-19-2017 05:47 AM

List of best Html5 FRAMEWORK:-
Groundwork CSS2
Foundation 6
Montage JS
52 Framework

senthilnathan 12-20-2017 02:23 AM

Backbone.js is a framework that runs in the JavaScript engine by the browser on an HTML(5) page. Bootstrap is a set of CSS and HTML templates (and some optional JavaScript extensions) that can be used to create web pages, instead of starting from an empty file

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