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ekochaberler 11-23-2015 04:30 AM

What is PPC and its types?
What is PPC and its types?

Sureshtamrakar 11-26-2015 03:50 AM

PPC means Pay per click, I don't think PPC has any types at all. This is really useful tool for SEO though this is really costly

RH-Calvin 11-26-2015 04:20 AM

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it's a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.

jobtardisport 11-26-2015 10:42 AM

Pay Per click normally termed as adwords campaign management

onehalf.transpo 11-26-2015 03:25 PM

PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising that is used on a wide range of websites, including search engines, where the advertiser only pays if a web user clicks on their ad. Hence the title, ‘pay per click.’

akicksoftware2 11-26-2015 03:35 PM

PPC FULL Form: - PAY PER CLICK..!! where you can promote your business globally by paid. and their differnet things you can learn.. like CTR, CPC, CPA and many more.

kumar amit 11-26-2015 10:49 PM

full name of ppc is pay per click. you will earn money when someone click on a link.

gyanipandit 11-26-2015 10:58 PM

PPC Full Form is Pay Per Click.. You can run campaign on google, bing , facebook in all place you can run ppc campaign and get conversation..

maya1 11-27-2015 12:22 AM

Pay per click (PPC), also called cost per click, is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner or a host of website) when the ad is clicked.

Types of PPC
Search Campaign
Display Campaign
Retargeting Campaign
Email Newsletter Campaign
YouTube Campaign

Alice_Jameson 11-30-2015 03:56 AM

Pay per click (PPC), also called cost per click, is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner or a host of website) when the ad is clicked. It is defined simply as “the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.”

Flat-rate PPC

In the flat-rate model, the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. In many cases the publisher has a rate card that lists the pay-per-click (PPC) within different areas of their website or network. These various amounts are often related to the content on pages, with content that generally attracts more valuable visitors having a higher PPC than content that attracts less valuable visitors. However, in many cases advertisers can negotiate lower rates, especially when committing to a long-term or high-value contract.

Bid-based PPC
The advertiser signs a contract that allows them to compete against other advertisers in a private auction hosted by a publisher or, more commonly, an advertising network. Each advertiser informs the host of the maximum amount that he or she is willing to pay for a given ad spot (often based on a keyword), usually using online tools to do so. The auction plays out in an automated fashion every time a visitor triggers the ad spot.

bh8v 12-02-2015 06:19 AM

In essence, PPC is better for e-commerce because it works on a retail basis and not on a lead generation model.

leena 12-03-2015 09:49 PM

ppc is pay per click or cost per click in which advertiser pays the publisher when the add is clicked. In ppc having two types one is flat rate and another one is bit rate in both the cases advertiser must consider the potential value of the click from the given source.

mohanbhargav8 12-10-2015 03:16 AM

PPC or pay per click is the best way to promote your website or product through different websites.Few company who gives these services they are google ,yahoo

ElzaQ 12-16-2015 06:02 AM

PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising

manige3e 12-16-2015 12:13 PM

PPC is ideal for continued search engine exposure with guaranteed 1st page placement (budget depending) along with flexibility and speed with which a campaign can be implemented e.g. PPC is easily one of the best advertising tools available. Whether you're launching a short-term campaign, creating more awareness for your business, or simply driving up sales, PPC gives you the power to reach the right customers at the right time when they're looking for your product or service.

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