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noahwilson 05-11-2013 05:00 AM

Importance of HTML.
Hi friends
Nowadays, java applications are playing a major role in building web applications and dynamic websites..also there are other languages like php,perl and available. But how html is still important in website creation?

shivendra11 05-24-2013 01:49 AM

Importance of HTML.
java applications are playing a major role in building web applications and dynamic websites..also there are other languages like php, perl and available. But how html is still important in website creation becase html coding very light weight.

sunitha12 05-30-2013 06:05 AM

HTML is important as the base language that css, javascript and php plug in to. It provides the content that css styles, javascript enhances and php links to a database (to simplify their functions).

Luca tall 06-13-2013 03:07 AM

Importance of HTML
It is use to create static web pages.
All browsers support HTML.
Most opf the web development tool support HTML.
It is simple, easy to learn and understand.

Johnyalle 06-14-2013 12:23 AM

hello,,,, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is important for create a web page and in Website Designing.You can plug in Css, java script and php for make our page creative look.

nutcache 06-16-2013 11:22 PM

HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is the base of all the languages that are used for website designing that is either static or dynamic. HTML itself is a web designing language.

seuli 07-05-2013 07:33 PM

In most cases, HTML is all you need
In spite of all the advantages of using HTML, the first step you need to do while conceptualizing a website is to define what exactly your website should do. Are you looking for a website that provides information about your business or are you looking for eCommerce functionality? Is your website essentially going to contain marketing and company information or will it be more news-like, where content is added every few hours or days? Should your website mainly disseminate information to visitors or do you need your visitors to interact?

The operative word in defining your website functionality is "need". It is easy to conceptualize an extremely high-end website with a wish-list of features and functionality, but is it essential for your small or growing business? In most cases, business websites do not need advanced functionality that would justify the need for programming technologies or content management systems, given the extra cost of development.

Aesthetically, an HTML website can look just as appealing as a website using the more advanced technologies. It is easy to be swayed by the desire to be 'up with the times'. However, getting yourself a well made HTML website may be a wiser and more progressive decision for your business than getting a high-tech website.

ebrainnight 07-17-2013 04:13 AM

if you are not a expert programmer and want to create a website then HTML is the best thing for you, with some knowledge and guidance you can create a simple static web pages.

dewanshahedur 09-12-2013 01:00 AM

Though HTML is a hypertext markup language but it's very much popular cause it have no competitor. However, PHP have competitor like .Net for web programming world. Java have competitor Objective C in mobile app development world but HTML is the only King of his platform. HTML is very much powerful markup language cause it's help you to design a website fastly.

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HTML | CSS | Ask Question

harrylee 09-19-2013 02:46 AM

Now we can say simply that without HTML, we can't do anything in programming because its a basic language there. There are lots of platforms for web design world used HTML.

dainawimble 10-04-2013 05:16 AM

HTML is basically use for design website.

amitsharma11 10-14-2013 03:06 AM

HTML is easy to learn, and knowing the basics will allow you to start creating your very own website. It is the most powerful tool for websites, thus it is considered “square one” of the entire creation process.

yitn 10-31-2013 07:33 AM

HTMl should be a basic skill every child is taught now its so useful.

williamforrest 11-06-2013 06:01 PM

"You meant Javascript not Java. HTML is a integral part of Javascript, it formats the output or it is the source for input. "

NicholasCage 12-16-2013 10:34 AM

HTMl should be a basic skill every child is taught now its so useful.

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