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Jessicajain 03-13-2018 03:31 AM

What is Canonical URL
Hello friends,

What is Canonical URL......?

smith1 03-13-2018 04:10 AM

Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see.

tanyaa 03-13-2018 04:35 AM

Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see. Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage.

Daisyallie 03-13-2018 05:08 AM

From Associate in Nursing SEO purpose of read here is that the definition of a canonical address: Canonical URL: the program friendly URL that you simply wish the search engines to treat as authoritative. In alternative words, a canonical address is that the address that you simply wish guests to visualize. very often canonical URLs were wont to describe the homepage.

varmahomes 03-13-2018 05:29 AM

A canonical tag is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page.

robin65 03-13-2018 05:52 AM

A canonical tag specifies the source URL (or original content page) of a given page to a search engine such as Google. Canonical tags are used to declare a single page as its own source or for duplicate pages to reference their source / originating page. Search Engines use the canonical tag to combat duplicate content issues and assign the search engine ranking value for that content to the page designated as the “source” URL.

elizabethsweety 03-13-2018 07:20 AM

A canonical tag (aka "rel canonical") is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content appearing on multiple URLs. Practically speaking, the canonical tag tells search engines which version of a URL you want to appear in search results.

abhaykumar 03-13-2018 09:41 PM

Canonical URLs relate to the concept of selecting the best URL for the web pages that the visitors want to see. Also, known as canonical tags, these URLs help in content syndication when multiple versions of a same page become available over the Internet. Thus, it is used to resolve issues related to content duplication.

samaron 03-13-2018 10:17 PM

The search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is a URL that you want visitors to see. Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage

emilyoliver 03-13-2018 10:21 PM

The search engine well disposed URL that you need the web crawlers to regard as definitive. At the end of the day, a sanctioned URL is the URL that you need guests to see. Frequently sanctioned URLs were utilized to portray the landing page.

jaysh4922 03-13-2018 10:38 PM

Canonical Urls are on the page and define which url the page should be indexed as. This is used when you have one or more url parameters that might resolve that same content.

loganjake 03-13-2018 11:03 PM

From an SEO point of view here is the definition of a canonical URL: Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see. Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage.

jessicajesi 03-13-2018 11:32 PM

Google would no longer be updating Toolbar PageRank -- its system for ranking web pages based on value.

hardeep 03-13-2018 11:55 PM

Search Engines use the canonical tag to combat duplicate content and assign search engine ranking value to the page designated as the "source" URL.

k2bseo 03-14-2018 04:06 AM

It the way of telling the search engine which is the authorative url should be displayed in the search engine

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