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AizaKhan 11-20-2018 12:45 PM

How Can Improve Website Speed
How Can i Improve my Website Speed ?

amanwaa 11-21-2018 04:28 AM

These are ways to improve your website speed

Minimize HTTP requests. ...
Minify and combine files. ...
Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files. ...
Defer JavaScript loading. ...
Minimize time to first byte. ...
Reduce server response time. ...
Choose the right hosting option for your needs. ...
Run a compression audit.

Sojan Babu 11-24-2018 02:21 AM

We can use the external style sheets, minimum images, decrease the file size of the images that we use, without compromising on the quality and use the CSS sprites to regulate the HTTP requests.

manige3e 12-04-2018 01:45 PM

How to speed up your website in 2018
Minimize HTTP requests. ...
Minify and combine files. ...
Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files. ...
Defer JavaScript loading. ...
Minimize time to first byte. ...
Reduce server response time. ...
Choose the right hosting option for your needs. ...
Run a compression audit.

tubepsky 12-05-2018 01:55 AM

Google update pagespeed in lighthouse.
Minimize HTTP requests. ...
Minify and combine files. ...
Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files. ...
Using Ladyload images

petergkh 12-06-2018 07:24 AM

nice tips...

vino 12-06-2018 11:14 PM

First of all you should measure your website load speed with the help of Google PageSpeed or GTmetrix.

After that you have at least 4 ways to optimize your website:

Compress images. Firstly, think about image format you need. If there are a lot of photos on your website, choose a raster image format (JPEG, GIF or PNG). But consider about using vector formats for working with logos, text, and icons and CSS effects for all images.

Minimize CSS, HTML and JavaScript, for example, eliminate unnecessary gaps and other symbols. You can use asset pipeline (default Ruby on Rails framework) to minify and compress JavaScript and CSS resources. Also it can combine resources, resulting in fewer browser requests.

Follow the Above-the-Fold Principle. It means you should place all the elements according to their importance. Put the most necessary on the upper part of the page to avoid scrolling. Putting CSS in the header causes gradual loading of the headline and navigation. Put the scripts at the bottom part of your site, in that case browser downloads the most relevant information firstly.

Implement Gzip compression. It allows to download and transfer text files (JavaScript, CSS and HTML documents) much faster and shorten taken space and bandwidth.

sachinsood90 12-06-2018 11:17 PM

1. Reduce images size
2. Java Minify
3. CSS minify
4. Try to reduce too much redirection.

nidhitiwari 12-09-2018 11:21 AM

Minimize java scripts.
optimize images
Compress codes

dpkmlm 12-10-2018 12:18 AM

Note these points :

1. Minimize HTTP requests
2. Minify and combine files
3. Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files
4. Defer JavaScript loading
5. Minimize time to first byte
6. Reduce server response time
7. Choose the right hosting option for your needs

Yam 12-10-2018 03:14 AM

Everybody is talking about on-page and off-page optimization - it's right, of course but missing one thing. First of all, you should make this process much easier by using additional tools. Fortunately, nowadays there are plenty of such tools. Personally, I use Plerdy. This service is a perfect tool for implementing your business goals

mausin12991 12-11-2018 03:09 AM

You can optimize images of your website. Also, optimize the CSS of your website which gives you very nice speed optimization.

saisaanvi 12-12-2018 12:57 AM

Improving website speed
Optimizing images is one of the ways to increase website speed.

Prateektechnoso 12-12-2018 05:23 AM

There are 3 main points to improve Website speed. They are

* Compress images as they cloud slow down your site.
* Combine resources to reduce the number of requests.
* Leverage Browsing catching to increase your Website speed.

For your information:

Prateektechnosoft is a Netsuite Partner and expertise in NetSuite ERP, CRM, Cloud CRM, PSA and other Netsuite Solutions. And also providing Netsuite services of implementation, integration, support & development services.

hibirdcycle 12-13-2018 01:07 AM

Reduce images size
Java script Minify
CSS minify
Reduce server response time

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