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thomasfranklin 02-17-2012 02:16 AM

What do you think of Blog VS Forums?
Blog is what people like who are famous and who are celebrities do in order to share their thoughts. Blog is short for web log, which is essentially an on-line journal or newsletter that is frequently updated and intended for the general public. A Blog can have either one author, coined blogger, or several. Forums also come with special features such as personal profiles, calendars, and email notification systems. Forums provide a place for those with similar interests to share their thoughts, questions, etc. Users generally log in to read and post to current subjects being discussed. But ultimately blogging and forum posting them both are like brothers and sisters.

DanielGarneau 05-28-2014 07:42 PM

The tools provided by some forums allow much more interaction than any blog I have come accross. The forums I am a member of tend to have a large number of participants and several topics of discussion in one broad area of interest. Sometimes, I will leave a comment on someone else's blog, but I do not necessarily expect feedback from their comment. Thanks for starting this thread. :D

storminternet 05-28-2014 10:12 PM

If I differentiate between blogs and forums then I will simply say that blog is way of sharing your knowledge to people while forum is medium with which you can not just share your knowledge but also express your own ideas, participate in debate, assist other people with their problems.

jasonroy21 09-26-2016 11:35 PM

Blogs and forums increases the backlinks for the website and it helps in increasing traffic for the website.

langhellomedia 09-30-2016 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by storminternet (Post 393625)
If I differentiate between blogs and forums then I will simply say that blog is way of sharing your knowledge to people while forum is medium with which you can not just share your knowledge but also express your own ideas, participate in debate, assist other people with their problems.

Thanks for sharing*vital information here......

jamesvincent21 11-24-2016 04:10 AM

Blogs and forums increases the backlinks for the website and it helps in increasing traffic for the website.

hima 05-16-2017 12:44 AM

The Both Blogs and Forums Play A Vital Role in Generating Back-Links as well as improving traffic to the website.

Apptunix 05-16-2017 01:02 AM

Forums or an Internet Forum is a message board that is online placed by a company, a website or a non-profit organization. These message boards have the primary purpose of allowing people to hold conversations by posting messages. In order to post these messages, one would have to sign-up with the website and have a leader approve you. Similarly, in many forums the messages must also be approved by a moderator before they can show up on the forum. The conversation starts with one person with a certain level asking a question or asking a person’s views regarding a certain object or topic. The members of the forum can then start commenting and providing their views. The forum is posted in threads, where each comment is a thread.

Blog :-
A blog is more of a personal page, where it belongs to a single person or a small group. Blogs have a more freedom when it comes to designing and aesthetic appeal to it. Blogs can be either created using a template or from scratch. Blogs is a discussion site, where a person who owns the blog is the moderator or the owner of the page. Set templates are available for any person who wishes to create a blog. Blogs usually has an individual person’s views and thoughts, which can then be commented on by other bloggers that may be following the person. Past 2009, MABs or Multi-author blogs have begun which allows many users to post various different posts simultaneously. Blogs usually display posts in reverse chronological order, where the most recent posts show up first. Blogs can be used for any purpose and does not only cater to a niche market, they can have any person from any stream to comment and view other blogs. Blogs have been served purposes as an online public diary, as well as online brand advertising for many companies.

noahjack 05-16-2017 01:37 AM

Those 2 are some different. But i think forum is better then blog.

bottlingplant22 05-16-2017 01:55 AM

Blog and Forum increase traffic on the website and promote to ranking on google.

Smith_Smuy23 01-13-2018 07:53 AM

In effect, we can view a blog as an SEO scalpel. ... However, if you have a small, but active readership for your blog then setting up a forum might well be the catalyst that really shoots your website to the top of the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) and starts bringing in lots of traffic and revenue.

Smith_Smuy23 01-13-2018 07:53 AM

would point out these key differences.

1. A blog gives you more control. With a blog, you can target the keywords you want to target. You can edit the content after you've published it. You can time when posts go out. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to come up with good content, but you're in the driver's seat.

2. A forum gives you less control, but you don't have to write all the content. The attractive thing about a forum - for SEO purposes anyway - is user-generated content. This is great because you don't have to do all the heavy lifting that real writing requires. The bad thing about a forum is also user-generated content. All those things you have control over with a blog ... you kinda lose them with a forum. You could exert a lot of control over your forum if you want, but then folks will stop contributing and you won't have a forum. Also, all that heavy lifting you save by not having to create the content may get replaced by the necessity of moderating the content.

3. You can build a blog steadily over time. With a blog, you can go from "Hello World!" to a good following just by disciplined, regular, quality publishing over time. You can start small and build.

4. Nobody likes an empty forum. Unlike a blog, a forum needs to go live with content already in it and conversations already happening. If you're going to launch a forum, I suggest getting some dedicated customers involved in a pre-launch. Seed the forum with a number of conversations before launching it to your full customer base. Otherwise, most people will get stage fright and you will have wasted your launch.

aesthetiqclinic 01-16-2018 01:56 AM

forms are created for the discussion on a particular topic and decentralize groups while blogs are created for posting and it is centralize group.

venkatraman 02-03-2018 03:27 AM

I feel blog is better

HourGlass_IT 01-11-2021 06:26 AM

Blogs are full of posts and comments, created by authors, organised into categories. Forums are full of topics and comments created by members, organised into different sub-forums.

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