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psrussian 12-21-2016 12:40 PM

Rich text
What is rich text and is it useful?

itabhyas 12-21-2016 09:38 PM

The Rich Text Format (often abbreviated RTF) is a proprietary document file format with published specification developed by Microsoft Corporation from 1987 until 2008 for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products. Most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF.
Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file format that lets you exchange text files between different word processors in different operating systems. For example, you can create a file using Microsoft Word in Windows 98, save it as an RTF file (it will have a ".rtf" file name suffix), and send it to someone who uses WordPerfect 6.0 on Windows 3.1 and they will be able to open the file and read it. (In some cases, the RTF capability may be built into the word processor.

Testing tools

collaberex 12-21-2016 10:15 PM

The Rich Text Format is the proprietary document file format developed by microsoft. Most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF

psrussian 12-25-2016 07:47 AM

Thank you for sharing

deepakrajput 12-25-2016 10:21 AM

No, we have to use quality content in place of rich text for SEO submissions.

psrussian 12-27-2016 03:13 PM

Is it the same as rich cards? or it's not.
(structured data for rich cards from the webmaster console)

psrussian 12-27-2016 03:13 PM

I mean for google

simon606 12-27-2016 11:03 PM

The Rich Text Format is a restrictive record document organize with distributed particular created by Microsoft Corporation from cross-stage report exchange with Microsoft items. Most word processors can read and compose a few variants of RTF.

tennywilson 12-28-2016 12:18 AM

The Rich Text Format is the proprietary document file format developed by microsoft. Most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF

paulwilson21 12-28-2016 03:39 AM

The Rich Text Format is a restrictive record document organize with distributed particular created by Microsoft Corporation from cross-stage report exchange with Microsoft items. Most word processors can read and compose a few variants of RTF.

sudeepkhana 12-28-2016 03:44 AM

Rich Text Format
A standard formalized by Microsoft Corporation for specifying formatting of documents. RTF files are actually ASCII files with special commands to indicate formatting information, such as fonts and margins. Other document formatting languages include the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used to define documents on the World Wide Web, and the Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML), which is a more robust version of HTML.

jaychristopher 12-29-2016 10:30 PM

The Rich Text Format is the proprietary document file format developed by microsoft. Most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF

psrussian 01-03-2017 04:12 AM

Thank you for your responses

kunalkumar 01-03-2017 10:00 PM

Rich Text Format, or RTF, is a document file format used to create, view and exchange documents between word processing programs without losing any applied character formatting. Documents saved in rich text format are also compatible with common operating systems besides Windows, such as Mac and Linux.

emilyoliver 06-05-2017 02:59 AM

The Rich Text Format (often abbreviated RTF) is a proprietary document file format with published specification developed by Microsoft Corporation from 1987 until 2008 for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products. Most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF.

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