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albertgeorge 10-22-2012 05:10 AM

Google Analytics
How will manage a account of Google Analytics.Pros and cons also consider of this analytics.Is this really beneficial for growth in business

anthonycasey868 10-22-2012 05:48 AM

very much knowledgeable post thanks

baichuan 11-03-2012 02:04 AM

Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visits to a website. The product is aimed at marketers as opposed to webmasters and technologists from which the industry of web analytics originally grew. It is the most widely used website statistics service.

fan-suppliers 11-04-2012 11:35 PM

Google Analytics is the most widely used website statistics service.

Logoinn 11-06-2012 12:42 AM

In simple words we can say Google analytic is the mirror of you web site. Which tells you everything about your web. Like traffic, conversions, queries, visitors etc.

miketrafficwala 11-08-2012 02:13 AM

Google analytic provide details about the client side activity.
The information provided by analytics is as follows:
How many Visit, Visitor.
What Operating System, browser they are using.
Which location i.e. country, state.
Most visited pages
Traffic trough social networking sites.
Real time analysis.
Top Keywords for your site.

DroPods 11-08-2012 04:28 AM

Instead of using Google Adsense,I use Statcounter, it works fine for my websites.

fuqshenjie 11-13-2012 11:45 PM

Google Analytics is the most widely used website statistics service.

katty45 12-03-2012 01:18 AM

it is good for analyze the google.

realworldmyth 12-03-2012 02:31 AM

Google Analytics provides a lot of great information. This information used to cost thousands of dollars, even a decade ago. Very important to have on your site.

delhicourses 12-09-2012 12:03 AM

google analytic is the tool for see how much traffic come on your websites it will not help to increase your business if you want increase your business then you must do seo.
thanks & regards

synchronous 12-12-2012 11:07 PM

Thanks for sharing the useful information about google analytics.

halenmartinez 03-11-2013 11:37 PM

Google analytic just provide to stats about your site. That much traffic is generate each day, from where its coming from and how much time the visitor stayed on your site and last but not least where did the click the most. I think is quite enough to understand the user experience on your site.

Shanewatson 03-13-2013 03:47 AM

First of all i would like to say is that there are Pros and cons for each product whether google analytics or some other tool . Google analytics is basically best tool ever used for traffic analysis.

shaadisan 11-27-2013 05:06 AM

Google analytics is use for check the website traffic. Increase the website traffic with the daily optimization on the search engines.

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