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oscarpitt 06-13-2012 09:01 PM

Link Baits
Link baiting is an indirect way of creating back links to your squeeze page and are well worth including in your arsenal of traffic generation. Basically, link baiting encourages others to link back to your website. If your squeeze page is offering a free product in order to building your marketing list, then perhaps you can encourage direct links to your squeeze page, otherwise a link back to information on your site which in turn links to your squeeze page may be more effective. When you deliberately write controversial, funny and informative articles that are likely to be linked to by other websites or blogs you are engaged in link baiting. What can you write that will be controversial enough or humorous enough to tempt people to link back to your website. From such pages you can then provide links to your squeeze page.

lewis.jenefer 06-13-2012 10:00 PM

After penguin update implemented by Google, I don't think Link baiting is going to help in getting higher ranking.

prymagestore 06-14-2012 02:10 AM

As I know Link bait is content on your site to which other sites link because they want to, not because you ask them to. This is because of the fact that link bait involves the owners of the external websites that are impressed by the quality of the content of your website.

funeral 06-14-2012 05:15 AM

nice information, thanks for sharing.

nptifitness 06-14-2012 07:04 AM

Thanks for giving the best information.

plasticpipemach 06-14-2012 05:41 PM

Your sharing is useful ?Thanks a lot ?

Mattwaldoch 06-20-2012 06:21 AM

Good information.

nitinslash 06-21-2012 02:20 AM

Link Bait

Originally Posted by lewis.jenefer (Post 220869)
After penguin update implemented by Google, I don't think Link baiting is going to help in getting higher ranking.

Link baiting is very helpful. In penguin update says that if you wanna link baiting then try to get from niche site not others. I think you need to read once again penguin update. :neer_neer

rajivwebads 06-21-2012 04:04 AM

Is it can be conducted even after the penguin update.

kevinloyed 06-21-2012 04:40 AM

This post is really great. Thanks for sharing.

warren123 07-02-2012 09:51 AM

If you want to link teueseoneun temptation Penguin updates, and not on niche sites that other people do it says. I read you again, I think you need to update a penguin.

webdesignindia 07-05-2012 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by oscarpitt (Post 220839)
Link baiting is an indirect way of creating back links to your squeeze page and are well worth including in your arsenal of traffic generation. Basically, link baiting encourages others to link back to your website. If your squeeze page is offering a free product in order to building your marketing list, then perhaps you can encourage direct links to your squeeze page, otherwise a link back to information on your site which in turn links to your squeeze page may be more effective. When you deliberately write controversial, funny and informative articles that are likely to be linked to by other websites or blogs you are engaged in link baiting. What can you write that will be controversial enough or humorous enough to tempt people to link back to your website. From such pages you can then provide links to your squeeze page.

Can you please give one example of how we can do link bait to inspire others to link back to our website?

jeny 07-06-2012 11:08 PM

Link bait refers to the creation of a piece of viral content that people will link to and share it on the web.

AmitThapa 07-07-2012 02:29 AM

That's a very nice information share with us ...knowledgeable post..

holly.cute 07-09-2012 12:20 AM

is like BARTER system .... i mean to say the you give links to others and link others site to yours... it seems barter link system...

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