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-   -   Are you aware of the fact that PHP programming is the most widely used one? (

johnrichards774 12-08-2011 11:34 PM

Are you aware of the fact that PHP programming is the most widely used one?
As you recognize in today’s time PHP may be a most used scripting language, it’s additionally utilized in standalone graphical applications. PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, and PHP is free software released beneath the PHP License, PHP is usually used for general purpose scripting language that's most suited to internet Development. It runs on an internet server, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is mostly HTML-embedded scripting languages that develop the house page for the websites, and also the most vital factor is PHP is put in on over twenty million websites. If you've got planned to urge an internet site developed.

Spoint_Vinil 01-18-2012 12:52 AM

no in small organizations php is used at most while talking about enterprise world ,it is of no use to them

buydomain 01-21-2012 12:18 AM

Yes, php is the most popular, it easy to use and powerful. The down side is a lot of websites get hacked because most people don't no how to secure the php script and servers, most common sites hacked are word press sites.

cyrusholiday 02-07-2012 05:41 AM


PHP is very usefull.and most powerfull programming language.
and i like so much.




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