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sonalmathur3 12-28-2017 12:11 AM

What is the use of canonical tag?
Hello friends,

I would like to know that What is the use of canonical tag?

drnagwaniseo 12-28-2017 12:17 AM

1. Using canonical tags helps Google to link duplicate and similar content pages together so that Google can consolidate information under various pages under single preferred page.

2. Canonical tags also help us getting better tracking metrics, as it is difficult to track multiple URL’s for same piece of content.

3. Canonical tags helps in determining the URL which users wants to see.

Eg: users generally prefer URL’s which is easy to understand

najishahmed 12-28-2017 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by drnagwaniseo (Post 754999)
1. Using canonical tags helps Google to link duplicate and similar content pages together so that Google can consolidate information under various pages under single preferred page.

2. Canonical tags also help us getting better tracking metrics, as it is difficult to track multiple URL’s for same piece of content.

3. Canonical tags helps in determining the URL which users wants to see.

Eg: users generally prefer URL’s which is easy to understand

Appreciate your reply

Adya 12-28-2017 01:51 AM

To using canonical tags helps Google to link duplicate and similar content pages together so that Google can consolidate information under various pages under single preferred page.

Nas 12-28-2017 02:22 AM

I just answered your question @ another site.

here it is. Use of canonical tag is

Richard1234 12-28-2017 03:17 AM

To utilizing accepted labels causes Google to connect copy and comparable substance pages together with the goal that Google can unite data under different pages under single favored page.

Elizabethezhil 12-28-2017 03:20 AM

To using canonical tags helps Google to link duplicate and similar content pages together so that Google can consolidate information under various pages under single preferred page.

GeorgeAlbie 12-28-2017 03:21 AM

The rel=canonical element, often called the “canonical link”, is an HTML element that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues. It does this by specifying the “canonical URL”, the “preferred” version of a web page. Using it well improves a site's SEO.

manival 12-28-2017 03:23 AM

The rel=canonical element, often called the “canonical link”, is an HTML element that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues. It does this by specifying the “canonical URL”, the “preferred” version of a web page. Using it well improves a site's SEO.

Sojan Babu 12-28-2017 03:28 AM

The canonical tag is an important tag used in SEO optimization to avoid possible content duplication between two pages published with content similarity. If the same content portion is published with more than 1 URL it may cause content duplication. To avoid the problems of content duplication canonical tags are used.

stellasweety 12-28-2017 03:58 AM

The rel=canonical component, frequently called the "authoritative connection", is a HTML component that enables website admins to avert copy content issues. It does this by indicating the "authoritative URL", the "favored" adaptation of a page. Utilizing it well enhances a site's SEO.

PeterGenesis 12-28-2017 08:04 AM

The canonical tag is a relatively quick solution to resolve duplicate content. If your website generates and displays the same (or very similar) content on multiple URLs, the canonical tag could be used to bucket them together and assign one master (canonical) version.

shaileshshakya 12-28-2017 09:54 AM

A canonical tag is used to tell the search bots about the original location of your content. For example, uses the same canonical tag to redirect the bots towards the original content.
It helps search engines to find the duplicate articles

maxwellsoft 12-28-2017 11:20 PM

Canonical URL helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues and also it is useful for SEO

harshithaasin 12-28-2017 11:35 PM

A canonical tag specifies the source URL (or original content page) of a given page to a search engine such as Google. Canonical tags are used to declare a single page as its own source or for duplicate pages to reference their source / originating page.

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