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stevesebasitan 03-16-2015 02:17 AM

Most Important ON Page SEO Elements
*Meta Title
*Meta Description
*Schema Mark up Tags
*Open Graph Tags
*Twitter Cards
*Sitemap Files
*Robots file
*H tags
*Website Speed
*Img ALT Tags
*Duplicate Content Check

jessicalad 04-16-2015 05:35 AM

The most important On Page SEO Elements include:

1. Meta title
2. Meta Description
3.H1-H5 Tags
4. Alt tag optimization
5. Robots.txt and sitemap files
6. Website Speed Navigation

golfvacations 04-20-2015 12:20 AM

Hello Friends,

Thanks for sharing this.

designdigital 04-20-2015 12:30 AM

Yes of course but the most important is the Content and keywords density in the content as content is the king so focus on quality content and mobile friendly website

Olivia Snider 04-20-2015 02:58 AM

These are other very important op-page seo element:

Keyword Research and Selection
Optimize Keywords in URL, Title, Description
Anchor text
Internal Linking
Appropriate Depth of Content
Keyword Density - Keywords in Content
Optimized URLs
301 Redirect
Use of Google Webmaster and Analytics

jmwang 04-22-2015 08:46 PM

These are top on-page seo element
Optimize Keywords in URL, Title, Description
Anchor text
Internal Linking
Appropriate Depth of Content
Keyword Density - Keywords in Content
Optimized URLs
301 Redirect
Use of Google Webmaster and Analytics
Schema Mark up Tags H tags
Open Graph Tags
Sitemap Files
Robots file
Website Speed
Img ALT Tags
Duplicate Content Check

vestes 04-23-2015 02:03 AM

thanks for the suggestions....

david moore 04-23-2015 02:06 AM

Page title
Meta description
Header tags
Internal links

mark1 04-23-2015 03:22 AM

These are top on-page seo element
site analysis
Keyword analysis
keyword research
meta tag creation
title tag
meta discription
meta keywords
image optimize
alt tag optimize
Content optimize
URL optimize
web page optimize
web responsive designing
og tag
meta prop

viralblogtips 04-30-2015 05:34 AM

Keywords variation, and consistency is important the most.

johnverma 05-18-2015 11:23 PM

apart from all the things you mentioned there are other things like Internal linking, Breadcrumbs , Keyword density in content, social buttons , User experience , navigation speed and easiness , a great footer with company description with keywords , Pages with approriate content etc

prism123 05-22-2015 05:14 AM

Most Important Onpage SEO techniques are
1)title tag
2)meta description tag
3)keyword tag
4)canonical tag
6)alt tag
8)google webmaster tools
9)google analytics

Acountinglane 06-01-2015 03:19 AM

website meta update is a most important parts of on page.

ron1 06-03-2015 06:06 AM

Useful information, thanks for sharing.

robertmichael 08-11-2015 04:04 AM

on page seo techniques are

www resolve
ip resolve
robots file creation
sitemap creation
meta tag optimization
image optimization
content optimization

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