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ORLOVA 07-08-2016 03:47 AM

Off Page Techniques
I know the Off Page Techniques, but need some suggestion, which off page techniques really work these days.

amanrai 07-08-2016 04:51 AM

Article submission
Social bookmarking
Web 2.0
PPT submission
Infographic submission

shiva_rajput 07-08-2016 05:18 AM

I follow these techniques:
1.image submission submission
4.Q & A

sashwatmegh 07-08-2016 06:54 AM

.Social bookmarking
.Image backlinking
.Video submission
.Forum posting
.Article submission

AshokDixit89 07-09-2016 12:21 AM

Off-page optimization is an important & effective part of SEO. Off-page SEO techniques are very useful for improving website ranking & generating quick traffic towards your site.

Few off-page SEO techniques are-

Social bookmarking.
Forum posting.
Article submission.
Video creation & submission.
Web 2.0.
Press release.
Info-graphics creation & submission.
Blog posting.

v.shukla 07-09-2016 06:47 AM

The best SEO techniques for off page are social bookmarking, Forums, PPT / PDF Creation // Submissions, Image /Infographics Creation and Submission, Guest Posting, Social Signals, Microblogging and Blog Commenting.

ajsahi 07-10-2016 04:59 AM

by the help of social media you can generate more traffic for you website business is best in off page SEO

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