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softqubetechno 04-03-2014 02:28 AM

What is difference between Popularity and authority?
Hello friends, a new question from my side, that what is difference between popularity and authority of a web page or a website, are these 2 things differ, or are they related to each other? How Google decides the popularity and quality and how Google deals and give importance to popularity and authority?

yourdream1 04-03-2014 11:03 PM

Popularity: How often a website/page is cited across the internet (how many relevant sites does it appear on, how many people are sharing the site/page, stuff like that as is my understanding - correct me if I'm wrong or if you're looking for a different answer.

-Authority: A site that has strong, relevant links; say you own a health based website and you get links from the NHS, Bupa or government websites because you have a great piece of content that they are link out too = authority passed to you.

seo_butterflyth 04-04-2014 01:10 AM

Popularity: It is also called website trafic. Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site..
Authority: Authority means a website status

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