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eventplanner100 10-24-2017 12:46 AM

How Does Social Networking Affect My Reputation?
How Does Social Networking Affect My Reputation?

fredpeterson543 10-26-2017 12:00 AM

Overall, social media is hurting our country in various ways causing more cyber bullying, lack of face to face communication, obesity, lack of privacy and etc. Although social media is an easier way to communicate with long distant friends or family members many have become addicted causing them to go on their profiles daily for maybe 8 hours and more. People are feeling more comfortable chatting behind the screen rather than talking to a person face to face which isn't good when comes to interviews. People aren't aware that what they post online can no longer be removed and will stay with you forever. Colleges and jobs are looking at your social media websites to get a better view of who you really are, this may stop you from getting the college you want to. Think twice before uploading a photo, writing a post or liking something on social media because you never know who will be the one to view your profile.

wellliving 10-26-2017 07:23 AM

Social Networking an Affect Your Reputation if you put boring posts,Not replying to comments,Failing to promote other.

AniK 01-03-2018 01:07 AM

If you do well on social media (connect with other people, like their stuff, post interesting and useful posts), then it will affect your reputation in a very good way.

lmenter123 01-03-2018 02:24 AM

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ allow us to connect with the players in our market. But, when used improperly, social media can be a dangerous platform for entrepreneurs to ruin their reputations.

newproaudio 01-03-2018 02:28 AM

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ allow us to connect with the players in our market. But, when used improperly, social media can be a dangerous platform for entrepreneurs to ruin their reputations.

samedaytoursin 01-03-2018 05:25 AM

Social Networking sites are the very good way to connect new groups and new peoples.

AliceArifova 01-10-2018 12:58 AM

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ allow us to connect with the players in our market.

AliceArifova 01-10-2018 04:54 AM

Social Networking an Affect Your Reputation if you put boring posts,Not replying to comments,Failing to promote other.

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