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spyindiavimlesh 09-03-2013 10:44 PM

What is keyword analysis?
Hi Friends, I am new in SEO field, so please let me help to know about keyword analysis, what is this and how its important in SEO. Thanks

shoaib Marfatiy 09-04-2013 04:05 AM

Keyword analysis is a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Search engine optimization professionals research keywords in order to achieve better rankings in their desired keywords.

paban 09-04-2013 09:31 AM

Keyword research is the first step in seo work. Search for keywords for your site.

jobtardis92 07-16-2014 05:49 AM

Keyword research is the basic step for a SEO. It has the tool to search the high traffic keyword such as Google adwords tool.

Rubberladychow 07-16-2014 06:54 PM

keyword analysis, say it simply, can help you know what key words you should use for your website and every page your website, it will help you target the right users and get a lot of organic traffic.

MarleeNieves 07-16-2014 09:43 PM

Keyword analysis is uncovering the keywords that you think your prospects are likely to use at Google. It is important because search engines search for relevant keywords and the closer the words are to your web page and blog post, the more likely they rank higher on web.

nada_book14 07-16-2014 09:46 PM

Keyword analysis is the process of searching the keyword and checking their performance on internet. like keyword search by users in one months and year, keyword competition and cost and effort on that keyword to improve ranking. these all the process is done by the keyword analysis.

marclewis 07-16-2014 09:56 PM

Keyword Analysis is the major point of SEO activity that helps to increase conversions and requires time-consuming examination or decision making to beat the keyword competition.

koyal 07-16-2014 10:36 PM

Keyword research mean how people will search your site.
Google Keyword planner is good tool by which you can choose your niche keywords.

amanvermasc 07-17-2014 02:16 AM

Keyword research is the basic step for a SEO. It has the tool to search the high traffic keyword such as Google ad words tool.

craftgallery 07-17-2014 03:05 AM

Keywords analysis is mean to find out the searches for keyword also competitions for the keywords,base on that choose keyword which have maximum traffic in your meta tag.
So, by keyword analysis help to creating meta tag for SEO to improves ranking of website in search engine.

jobtardisport 07-17-2014 05:49 AM

deciding the keywords as per the requirements of the site

riwseo 07-17-2014 10:01 PM

Keyword analysis is the pre-process before starting seo, on which keyword you can get traffic.

BRANEBENSON 06-13-2017 11:23 PM

A keyword analysis is the art and science of uncovering which keyword phrases your prospects are likely to use at Google or other search engines.

spobitsseo 06-13-2017 11:57 PM

Keyword Analysis can be described as the starting point and cornerstone of search marketing campaigns. By understanding what queries qualified visitors to your website type into search engines, search marketers can better customize their landing pages to increase conversion rates. For this reason, keyword analysis is an integral skill for both SEO and PPC experts.

Keyword analysis helps to increase conversions, find new markets, and optimize spend, but it requires time-consuming examination and decision making to beat your keyword competition.

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