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clippingpathfam 12-17-2013 12:12 PM

What I am doing to increase my traffic!!!
Here is a list of simple tasks to get traffic on my websites.

1. Creating YouTube Video and driving traffic to my websites.
2. Sharing exclusive information on Facebook Page and drive traffic to my webpages.
3. Sharing Infographic.
4. Email Marketing with new articles or new offer.

What do you do guys?

Can you please share your ideas here?

clo@ 12-20-2013 05:15 AM

I use services to drive traffic to my sites and I must say that it works.
My sites began to receive more and more traffic. Their writers are very professional.

Highly recommend them to those who need to increase traffic.

gangamani1998 12-21-2013 01:44 AM

Great mate for sharing these ideas. I really looking for that.

munish13 12-21-2013 11:27 PM

You still haven't realized the power of quality backlinks. Get backlinks and traffic will flow naturally.

marrick 12-22-2013 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by munish13 (Post 356696)
You still haven't realized the power of quality backlinks. Get backlinks and traffic will flow naturally.

It is easier said than done. Yes getting backlinks that sends traffic will surely benefit you. But how?!

What I do is to optimize my site in a way that my targeted traffic will appreciate and use a simple and easy navigation for them. I promote my site by building relationship with other webmasters by adding value to their blog through blog conversations and guest postings.

I also participate in forums that are related to my niche where I can help other users in their concerns.

stone cold 12-23-2013 02:05 AM

I am doing these four techniques
1. Paid AIDS
2. Forum Posting
3. Ezine Articles
4. You tube video AIDS

TheVenturiTeam 12-23-2013 03:25 PM

I guess all of us are already doing forum posting. At the same time, blog comments, video tutorials/ads, Article writing, podcasts, social shares can help a lot.

Chris_Tax 12-26-2013 11:11 PM

I have even used Craigslist to get customers Make sure you use a graphic in your ad

zamina 12-27-2013 02:37 AM

I have hired SEO optimizers from well reputed company to increase traffic of website.They are providing first page ranking and traffic to my website at very affordable price.You can take their services and boost you local business.

See their website

Crystal21 07-10-2014 05:29 AM

I usually buy traffic from freelancers, on sites like SEOclerks, listingdock etc. As you can get quick results in this way.

ChristyMathew 07-10-2014 08:41 PM

Fine work, there is a enough work at begining stage but i suggest that take effort on doing these works with high ranked websites and pages to get more effect on your sites, i am just using the methods mentioned by our members...

ChristyMathew 07-13-2014 11:06 PM

Creating a youtube videos, very good work on SEO with quality content and keywords, SMO

marshal23 07-16-2014 12:54 AM

i am doing Forum Posting ,Ezine Articles, You tube video ADDS to generate traffic

shilpa2014 07-16-2014 03:49 AM

Other than youtube, facebook, twitter you can also share info graphics and other offers on myspace and tumblr. share photos on pinterest.

Sprout Income 07-16-2014 02:14 PM

What works for me.

Is relevant blog/site comment posting.

Go to google and type in for example: dog training tips (if your niche is about dogs). Then look for blogs or sites that have a comment area, once you find one, go ahead and add a "relevant" useful tip on that topic. Also add your link but without looking like your trying to plug your site, something along the lines.... "if you like my tips, you can find more useful information by going to"

Also one more thing, install analytics software so you can track where your traffic is coming from.

This works for me, and i get relevant traffic everyday to my site.
Hope this helps :)

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