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softqubetechno 03-27-2014 03:15 AM

What is negative SEO?
I have heard 2 terms Negative SEO and Reverse SEO? But i am confused in between these 2 terms, as the name suggest “Negative SEO”, it is clear that it is not a Good Practice, so why it is referred so many times, is there any influence of it?

Akusdevelop 03-27-2014 03:43 AM

Ther nothing negative in seo

rohitaddnectar 03-27-2014 03:52 AM


Negative SEO attacks can come in a few forms. Generally, negative SEO refers to when one website buys links and points them at a competitor’s website in an effort to torpedo their rankings.
Other instances of negative SEO have included such tactics as hacking a website to inflict some sort of malicious damage on a website, review bombing (pointing a large number of 5-star reviews at a business so it appears they paid for them), or simply by reporting another website’s “black hat” tactics to Google.


seo_butterflyth 03-27-2014 11:32 PM

Read this blog. May be this blog will help you sort out your problems: http://moz(dot)com/blog/were-you-hit-by-negative-seo

ChristinaCa 03-28-2014 12:26 AM

Creating backlinks in an unethical manner is known as negative SEO.

jobtardisport 03-29-2014 02:20 AM

spam content is negative point in seo process

sven123 03-30-2014 02:46 AM

Negative SEO is using SEO not to boost your site but to drop another site. This usually done by using very bad link that almost guaranteed to give you penalty and point it to competitor's site so their rank will drop.

Vectorinspector 03-30-2014 10:26 AM

Yeah, Negative SEO refers to "black hat" tactics witch attack anothers website. The easiest and most common negative SEO is actually fake bad business reviews. If you own a restaurant, and you go online to Yoast and give bad reviews online that are not true, that can be negative SEO.
Also bad backlinks, and some orphan pages can be negative SEO. The most referenced negative SEO was done in America by fan of the Democrat party in the early 2000's. Hundreds of SEO guys teamed up to create links to a picture of George Bush's face and tied the Anchor text to the word "failure." For the longest time you could type "failure" in Google and get the presidents face. Google finally manually removed that SERP. Example of Negative SEO

mstarot 03-30-2014 02:51 PM

Have to be a bit of a determined competitor to that -pointing bad links at another web site! Can't believe that's done

Vectorinspector 03-30-2014 04:18 PM

Yeah it's strange. I'd rather spend the time making my site look better and more popular. That never loses value.

rajivdevkk 03-30-2014 11:01 PM

Negative seo is used to down the ranking of competitors site using black hat method but it 's not good according to search engines.

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exportsbrigh 03-31-2014 01:58 AM

I think it is call black hat seo. Negative seo is not good for our site.

johnstyle 04-01-2014 12:22 AM

Negative SEO refers to the practice of using Black hat and unethical techniques to destroy the competitor's search engine ranking. Negative SEO attacks can take a number of different forms:
Hacking your website
Building thousands of Spam links to the website.
Copying the content and distributing it all over the internet.
Pointing keywords to your site like keywords poker online etc.

softqubetechno 04-02-2014 03:31 AM

Thanks For your efforts to reply for my this question the information and the links that you all provided is a great help. Keep it up guys

wowcab 04-03-2014 02:03 AM

FFA is a negative SEO technique right now

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