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taranum 04-25-2014 08:42 AM

Google or Facebook
My website is stable now and I think its the right time to start promoting my website through advertisement to generate traffic. . I have Google Adsense account and earning $100 average monthly. I am confused to start my promotion with which platform; Google Adwords or Facebook advertisement? Which platform is more efficient?

Please advice.

srikarnl 04-25-2014 07:13 PM

Best is to go for Facebook, mainly because of your site niche, you can get constant traffic from FB easily, you better go for it

RobertsonWhite 04-29-2014 12:22 AM

In my opinion Facebook is best option for you friend.

kristinasmith 04-29-2014 03:20 AM

Google Adsense is better then facebook. Because Google has better environment for display advertisement it has superior CPC performance, improved advertising targeting options, and an enormous array of formats that Facebook have lacks. Ideally,

websiteeonline 05-07-2014 01:54 AM

Facebook is best option for you

LDNCongestion 05-07-2014 04:03 AM

Google may be the biggest but my suggestion is for you to pursue Facebook advertisment. Some of the updates Google have been putting out there are hurting businesses the world over.

adil1000 05-08-2014 10:26 PM

Go for Google because Google is most better as compare to Facebook. If you bring traffic on the Facebook than there is a chance to get ban your adsense. So bring traffic on Google and CPC is much better of Google.

Honey497 05-08-2014 11:03 PM

In my opinion, both are effective in terms of boosting the traffic of a website.

But Facebook advertisement drives more traffic as compare to Google Adsense.

johnstyle 05-14-2014 12:32 AM

It is right time to go ahead and do the job, it is best for you.

Josephedwards 05-14-2014 01:06 AM

Facebook is right decision to generate traffics.

uaeabrar 05-14-2014 01:11 AM

Yes it is good idea.. social media is help to make a better place on search engine.

Pandora Blake 05-15-2014 03:06 AM

I think you are not earning enough to buy any types of ads for it.

senior 05-20-2014 12:39 AM

I think Google Adwords will best..

ChristinaCa 05-20-2014 01:36 AM

Both are the best.Google is the better choice for display advertising because it has superior CPC performance, improved ad targeting options, and an enormous array of ad formats that Facebook lacks.

tomh87 05-29-2014 12:35 AM

For promoting your site both are necessary because G+ is becoming more and more popular and FB is of course still the leader. Unfortunately both have nofollow links

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