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Kyra Clinic 04-03-2015 12:44 AM

what are the advantages and disadvantages of SEO?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of SEO?

Kalpart 04-06-2015 11:34 PM

Advantages of SEO are:
1. It takes your business to next level.
2. Brand awareness.
3. Higher Brand Credibility.
4. Results are permanent.
5. Better Return of investment can be achieved.

Nikita Patil 04-08-2015 01:29 AM

1. SEO Delivers A Continuous Flow Of Free And Targeted Traffic
2. SEO Gives Your Business Exposure To People Who Are Looking For A Solution
3. SEO Generates Traffic That Have A Good Chance Of Converting
4. SEO Can Help You With Business Growth
5. SEO Sets You Up As An Authority In Your Niche

1. SEO Results Will Take Time
2. SEO Will Take A Long Time To Get An ROI
3. SEO Will Require A Big Investment For Competitive Niche
4. SEO has no guarantee for results (especially 1st page ranking)
5. SEO Provides You No Full Control

ahmedmanoo 04-08-2015 05:26 AM

Advantages are that it helps a site to get to the top of the search engines for its targeted keywords & to increase traffic to the site. The disadvantages are it is a long term process and it really take lot of patience whoever is doing seo for the site.

ron1 04-08-2015 05:56 AM

there are countless advantages of SEO and only one disadvantage i.e it takes time to get results out of SEO.

josephcaron 04-08-2015 06:45 AM

what are the advantages and disadvantages of SEO?
Hello Friends,

Advantages and Disadvantages of Search Engine Optimization. More about Search Engine Optimization.

jessicalad 04-15-2015 04:29 AM

Advantages & Disadvantages of SEO
1. Low cost activities
2. High Steadiness, and stability of keywords

1. Takes a long time
2. No consistency in keyword ranking

rawnak 04-15-2015 04:40 AM

I did not find any disadvantage about seo

om2580 04-15-2015 05:14 AM

there is no disadvantage of seo and from seo you get keyword ranking on google serach engine

RTH 04-16-2015 12:31 AM

For me benefits of SEO is high (brings in traffic) but cost of implementing it can be very high too. If your competitors for certain keywords already have tens of thousands of backlinks from high ranking pages, how much effort in man-time would you need to optimize to the level to actually beat them in rankings? That can be a very very high man-time number leading to very high cost for you.

daviddakarai 04-16-2015 10:25 PM

1. SEO Delivers A Continuous Flow Of Free And Targeted Traffic
2. SEO helps to target correct customers only
3. SEO Can Help You With Business Growth

1. For some keywords it's take long time to get top rank.
2. SEO has no guarantee for results (especially 1st page ranking)

websiteeonline 04-17-2015 12:14 AM

A proper seo have doesn't any dis advantage, yes if you are going to spamming with seo process, definitely it will be not good for your website.

tapdark 04-17-2015 12:57 AM

There are no disadvantages of SEO, it's like asking what are advantages and disadvandges of breathing.

SaanviRao 04-26-2015 11:20 PM


1) It's free
2) You can get targeted traffic
3) You get people who are actively looking for answers/solutions


1) It can be competitive
2) Therefore, it can be slow
3) You need to create good content that people are actually interested in
4) You need to be proactive in building links.

anuverma1 04-26-2015 11:27 PM

There is no point of disadvantage.We promote our website online by doing ON Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

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