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brezina32 07-02-2015 12:41 PM

Do with Google AdSense for you?
You, if the online world has been around for quite a while to, you need to know about a thing or two of Google Adsense. To place an ad for Google, webmasters need to install the Google ads on their websites and to use this feature. In return, the owner of the website is subject to some of the revenue for all clicks on ads and buys something from a link. Have a lot of traffic to it you, if you have a web site very good, in fact, potentially, many of Google Adsense simply (Google Adsense) unethical to drive traffic to earn more But can earn a good amount of money on these ads have been tempted to use the means, and consequently they are eventually caught, and they are blacklisted. Have you used or may be currently using Google Adsense?

manish955 07-02-2015 06:41 PM

Its not easy to earn by adsense these days, ctr is very low, some thing around 0.1 % that means 1 click in 10000 impressions.this means to earn few hundreds your site must be as popular as fb. Getting adsense account is also not that easy now.

rawnak 07-02-2015 09:55 PM

Now it is too difficult to get approve from Google.

Adler Stewart 07-18-2015 02:43 AM

This is the best way to earn money.

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