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rajnisht 11-04-2015 10:29 PM

H1 tag or H2 tag?.
For on-page SEO many seo experts say that article title should be in H1 tag because search engines gives priority to H1 tags.My question is if i use H2 tag and my content is unique do google give me same priority or not?. Thanks and pardon my English.

niharikajain 11-04-2015 10:41 PM

Its use should be based around hierarchy, H1 is generally used for the main header title for a section of a page whereas H2 would be the title for a subsection of this. Think of them like chapter and section headings in a book where the first chapter (

) starts right after the title of the book (

). The h2 tag should generally be a description of the h1 tag.

How Google treats the tags are down to structure, don't think of them as whether or not they're unique, but rather whether they're relevant to what you're trying to deliver on the page.

ramskl 11-04-2015 10:59 PM

you don't get same priority on H2 tags, because H1 tag is first priority.

aditiintraday 11-05-2015 12:21 AM

H1 = Main Keyword

H2 = Secondary keywords you're trying to rank for also h2 tags are sometimes the same as your anchor texts while link-building.

Hope this is very helpful, if you have any more questions about this topic or S.E.O in general,

just ask.

1844junkrat 11-05-2015 12:37 AM

H1 is used for main header title and H2 is used for secondary keywords.

jootavoota 11-05-2015 02:14 AM

h1 and h2 both are need to use in website to proper ranking in search engine.

jaysh4922 11-05-2015 10:49 PM

H1 tag is important thing in On-Page Optimization. As we know, We should put only one H1 Tag in single Web page. We can't add more if you want to make your website SEO Friendly. We can put more than one H2, H3 tags in a single page.

trendingtechs 11-05-2015 10:58 PM

You need to use both H1 and H2 tag. Because both tags are important to rank better in Google ranking. Either your content would be fresh or not fresh, you must include both tags in your post.

Sameer02 11-06-2015 12:05 AM

For Google h1 is more important than h2 because in h1 we put our main keywords, which we are targeting for the particular page and also define the value of the content present on the page. In h2 we put our secondary keywords as it is also important as per seo point of view.

priyajoy 11-06-2015 01:54 AM

It is useful of SEO.

masonrob553 11-06-2015 03:46 AM

Heading Tags are very useful in the website promotion.

defines the most important heading.

defines the least important heading.It is important in the search engine optimization.

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smmexpertss 11-06-2015 06:09 AM

The header tag, or the

tag in HTML, will usually be the title of a post, or other emphasized text on the page. It will usually be the largest text that stands out. There are other header tags in HTML too, like an h2, h3, h4, etc

adityapradhan 11-07-2015 04:10 AM

Header tags are an important on page seo factor. Because they are used to communicate to search engine what your webpage is about. H1 is more important; this starts with h1 and works its way down in importance to the H2, H3.

Adib Site 11-07-2015 11:37 AM

Both of them important. H1 the most important > H2 > H3 >H4......

exciteseo 11-09-2015 05:10 AM

H1 for article title is a rule, considered worldwide. So, you don't need to invent anything another for article titles for now

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