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minddigital 02-29-2016 02:22 AM

Hire Drupal Developers
Wouldn,t you prefer a platform that has been used to design the website of 'The White House?' How can you ignore the merits of a CMS that has been preferred by the globally reputed brands like The Economist, Symantec Connect and New York Observer?

Yes, Drupal is that popular a Content Management System (CMS).It enjoys the trust of thousands of brands and websites worldwide. It comes packed with a whole array of features and functionalities so that your business objectives get realized with effortless ease.

As your website is the first impression on the internet, it should be developed using a platform that is proven and popular. No matter how large, layered or complex website or portal or web-based projects your business needs, Drupal is a platform capable of meeting all specialized requirements with ease.

The best part is, Drupal is scalable and configurable and comes packed with SEO-friendly features. With that, you are assured of amazing results even without investing a large sum of money in digital marketing campaigns. And this is one platform loved equally by users and developers across the globe.

Please visit our site:- Mind Digital

Andyzz4 04-29-2018 08:37 AM

When we first started many years ago, we got to a point when we really needed to hire a website developer. We found one on Craigslist but he refused to deal with us using a paid job portal. Was it a major red flag? In hindsight, it probably was. He reasoned that he didn’t like the “extra” fees that paid job portals charged. We were on a tight budget back then, so we took a chance with this freelancer. We really didn’t know any better back then! The developer asked for 50% of the project fee to be paid up front, and so we did through a PayPal transfer. 3.5 months later and $2,000 poorer, we have nothing to show for. We weren’t able to find the developer after he delivered a “final” product that we weren’t happy with, and there was no standardized system for us to file a complaint. We transferred the deposit using PayPal, and by the time the developer ran off with our deposit, it was past the period when we could file a dispute with PayPal. Live and learn, I guess. After this incident, we became extra cautious when it came to hiring anyone. Unless we have worked with a freelancer for a while and know we can trust him/her, we always insist on using paid job portals.

Andyzz4 04-29-2018 08:59 AM

But now I have full respect for good developers. You could always try:

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