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youssefrharrabi 08-05-2016 10:54 AM

Buy stocks internet real salary picture
buy stocks on internet New work $267.16 paid Sauraj no doubt pays, watch . I as true.

SurtiKart 08-05-2016 11:39 PM

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simao 08-09-2016 09:50 AM

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nomi147 08-09-2016 10:06 PM

A vector image is drawn with mathematical expressions rather than pixels. As a result, you can scale a vector image as large as you wish without a loss in quality. Please note, Shutterstock vectors are formatted as .eps files and require a vector graphic editor to open.
What's a Vector?

seo147 08-10-2016 10:56 PM

The term “microstock” refers to the micropayments the sites charge customers for those images — payments passed on to the photographers who took them. Most sites start their image pricing at just a dollar for the smallest size, with costs increasing with image siz

seo147 08-11-2016 11:36 PM

I think it is possible to make money selling stock but you have to be willing to submit lots and lots of images. You also have to find subject matter that people want/need. I know several people who make decent money selling stock, but they're pro photographers who use the client rejects from a photo shoot as stock.

Personally I sell a few images on iStock and to be quite honest it about pays for me to buy images that my clients need. So I guess really I'm not making money, its more of a trade system... but it serves the purpose I need.

I think the real key to making money with stock is the type of imagery you produce. For example iStock and similar sites are packed full of flowers and sunsets, but high concept imagery and things that are easy to incorporate into other projects are pretty scarce.

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