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shilparawat 11-10-2016 12:33 AM

How to improve ranking? Site does not getting increment in their ranking still fixed.
Hi Everybody !! Help me : How to improve ranking? Site does not getting increment in their ranking still fixed in Google 12th page from last 1 month. So what i do to improve their ranking.

sudeepkhana 11-11-2016 01:39 AM

In this post, I’m going to give you 15 possible reasons why your website isn’t ranking :
1. Keyword Selection
2. On-Site SEO
3. Duplicate Content
4. Keyword Dilution
5. User Experience
6. Content
7. Social Media
8. Brand Signals
9. Link Quality
10. Link Velocity
11. Anchor Text
12. Site Age
13. NAP-W Inconsistency
14. Reviews
15. SERP Click Through Rate
These are the common trends, so if you cover these factors, your site will typically be in pretty good shape. Or, you now know what is holding your website back.

Some of the following tips used to increase the page rank are:
1. High-Quality Content
2. Site Submitting
3. Guest Posting
4. Link Exchange
5. Commenting On Other Blogs
6. Social Bookmarking
7. Website Accessibility
8. Using Commonly Searched Keywords
9. Website Advertising
10. Create Multiple Pages
11. Participate In Forums
12. Using Signatures
13. Never Use Illegal Tactics

william1194 11-11-2016 03:06 AM

When I first started as a webmaster, there were numerous search engines around. Nowadays, though, we are, for the most part, left with only Google and Bing, with Google providing the majority of visitors to most websites, including This article provides some tips on how you can improve the position of your site in the search engine results on Google.

adriansmith4555 11-11-2016 04:42 AM

Thanks for sharing this idea

Jonh 11-12-2016 01:04 AM

There are 5 ways to improve your rankings you need to know.
+ 1 Improved page loading speed of the website
+ 2 Bo.ld the key iss.ues
+ 3 Optimizing images
+ 4 Update website content continuously
+ 5 Links with social networking sites
+ 6 Content quality articles

sashwatmegh 11-12-2016 06:15 AM

Use quality of content and start creating quality of backling with high pr sites will help to drive traffic for your website.

junaidakbar2020 11-12-2016 10:39 PM

please follow the interaction of the your commentator (sudeepkhana)
you will get huge effect in ranking

mrhoangstar 11-13-2016 12:09 AM

Thanks top......

whmcssmarters 11-13-2016 11:43 PM

Hi, as other member said to improve ranking in search engines unique and quality content is more important. After doing on-page of your site with quality content, then start all off-page techniques. You will get required results.

shilparawat 11-15-2016 10:52 PM

Thanks to all for your important advice ..i do all the things which you describe but still facing these issues !! Is there domain problem or other issues related to website.

DammyD 07-02-2018 06:45 AM

Thanks for this

madisonwhite 07-03-2018 04:03 AM

Good ideas and strategies for improving page rank.But sometimes the rank stays constant and doesnt goes up.

madisonwhite 07-03-2018 04:04 AM

Great ideas for improving the rank.But sometimes the ranks remains constant and then it becomes difficult to improve it.

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