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access1solution 11-14-2016 12:11 AM

What makes a website search engine-friendly?
What makes a website search engine-friendly?

sudeepkhana 11-14-2016 01:00 AM

Some of the main points on how you can create a website or blog that is search engine friendly:
* Add Text to Your Images, Flash and Videos
* Validate Your HTML Code
* Create Relevant Title Tags
* Use Straight HTML Navigation Links on Your Website
* Eliminate Apparent Content Duplication
* Remove Hidden Text

sashwatmegh 11-14-2016 01:05 AM

Use quality of content that is keyword relevant makes your website search engine friendly.

abhishek1 11-14-2016 02:54 AM

Use quality content on your website.
Don't use flash images on your website.
Use ALT tags to the images and videos on your website.
Remove hidden text.

All these thing can make your site search engine friendly.

avikkumar 11-14-2016 04:20 AM

Good content, Relevant images and a good SEO rank

tennywilson 11-25-2016 10:29 PM

you can improve your sites by with
Use quality content on your website.
Don't use flash images on your website.
Use ALT tags to the images and videos on your website.
Remove hidden text
don't use copy contents

webdeveloper220 11-25-2016 11:29 PM

Quality content, relevant content, relevant images and good SEO rank.

akachick115 11-25-2016 11:33 PM

Here are 10 tips to make your website search engine friendly:
1. Keyword research is the first step for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
2. Get some good advice from SEO sources on the web
3. Build a website that is easy for the search engines to understand.
4. Make navigation easy.
5. Get links from trusted, relevant sources.
6. Build a sitemap page to help the search engines discover every page in your site.
7. Don’t forget the technical stuff.
8. Track your progress with web analytics.
9. Tell the search engines where you are by submitting your site details to them.
10. Content is King.

Shane Bentick 05-03-2017 11:22 PM

1. Add Text to Your Images, Flash and Videos
2. Validate Your HTML Code
3. Create Relevant Title Tags
4. Use Straight HTML Navigation Links on Your Website
5. Eliminate Apparent Content Duplication

jamesrobertt 05-04-2017 01:42 AM

To make a website search engine friendly, implement On-Page SEO techniques such as use of title, alt, h1, meta tags, unique content, anchor texts, use of keywords, submission of sitemap.xml to Google webmaster tool, Install Google analytics etc.

jessicajesi 05-04-2017 01:56 AM

Many ways to make a website search engine friendly
some are:
-Add Text to Your Images, Flash and Videos
-Validate Your HTML Code
-Create Relevant Title Tags

AliceArifova 05-04-2017 03:34 AM

Good content, Relevant images and a good SEO rank

avemlfy 05-04-2017 03:46 AM

Add Text to Your Images, Flash and Videos
* Validate Your HTML Code
* Create Relevant Title Tags
* Use Straight HTML Navigation Links on Your Website

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