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poconnor 01-10-2017 03:29 AM

Property Tax Shell Game, Affect Local Property Taxes
Texas is the most populous state in both area and population. One of the most fundamental rationale why businesses and folks are encouraged to move to Texas is our low taxes and, of course, no income tax. Even though the overall tax burden is low in Texas, there may be one tax that has normally drawn probably the most complaints from Texans: the property tax.

An investigation on Texas Taxes:

A statewide ballot of last year found the property tax was the most unpopular of the predominant state and local taxes with 54 percent announcing they had been “dissatisfied” with the amount of property taxes Texans pay.

Last year, Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas, appointed a special Senate committee to examine property taxes in Texas and make recommendations for reforming and reducing property taxes. The committee has spent majority of this year holding proceedings in cities all across the state.

According to State Comptroller, about 55 percent of income from property charges goes to school districts. Cities only collect about 16 percent of property taxes.

But the United States Senate committee has refused to consider or even discuss ways to reduce property taxes and they have pretty much ignored the quickest growing category of property fees, which is taxes raised by the more than 2,000 special purpose taxing districts created by the legislature.

Rather focusing on the real causes of increase in Texas taxes, Patrick and the chair of the Senate committee, Sen. Paul Bettencourt of Houston, have made it clear they want to enforce statewide restrictions on city property charges and effectively put a state cap on the total annual budgets of all Texas cities.

Because their suggested solution does not address the real cause of property tax increases, it will not furnish a support on property tax reductions. The average property tax owner in San Antonio would have seen a reduction in city taxes of only $44 per year – or $3.67 per month, if a 4 percent cap had been in effect.

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