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vashikaranpredi 07-29-2017 04:39 AM

What are the SEO techniques available?
Tell me friends the SEO techniques?

Sumit_Singh 07-30-2017 12:49 AM

It is Social Media Section or SMO section so you can post your thread in SEO section for getting the better reply for your post.

There are 3 techniques in SEO
1. White Hat
2. Grey Hat
3. Black Hat

All of the techniques are available and it is up to you how you can use it for your business.
I personally prefer you the White Hat SEO technique to do your Website SEO.

Ekansh 07-30-2017 04:01 AM

SEO Techniques are:

1) White Hat: The techniques is a fair method to follow the google laws for ranking the website on the top.

2) Grey Hat: The technique is a method to rank the website on the top by following the methods which are not known to the google.

3) Black Hat: The technique used to rank the website on the top by not following the google laws and breaking the google ranks, following this method can result to penalization of the website.

alexson 07-30-2017 10:27 PM

SEO techniques are:
1. White hat
2. Black hat
3. Grey hat
I preferred to White hat technique because it is liked by google. If we use black hat technique then google will surely be banned our website.

AliceArifova 07-31-2017 06:46 AM

most important SEO techniques are :
1. White hat
2. Black hat
3. Grey hat

jashanpreet 08-03-2017 04:40 AM

SEO techniques are on-page SEO and off-page SEO

manisha.arr 08-03-2017 05:42 AM

3 SEO techniques are available:
1. White hat SEO
2. Black hat SEO and
3. Grey hat SEO

follow the White hat SEO to get quality backlinks for your website.

ridhika 08-03-2017 10:54 PM

SEO Techniques

White hat seo
Black hat seo
Gray hat seo

jenerous 08-04-2017 01:38 AM

1.Black hat
2.White hat
3.Grey hat

AliceArifova 08-04-2017 04:31 AM

SEO techniques are:
1. White hat
2. Black hat
3. Grey hat

kateparkers 08-04-2017 04:36 AM

there is best seo techniques
white hat
black hat

hafiz125 08-06-2017 01:20 AM

1. White Hat
2. Grey Hat
3. Black Hat

wellliving 08-07-2017 08:03 AM

3 techniques of SEO
1. White Hat SEO
2. Grey Hat SEO
3. Black Hat SEO

kriystirose 08-08-2017 03:04 AM

There are 3 types of SEO techniques are:

White hat
Grey hat
Black hat

nathanleo 08-08-2017 03:45 AM

There are On page and Off page SEO techniques to promote your website. First of all do on page SEO and then start doing off page SEO.

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