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Jessicajain 07-31-2017 10:33 PM

What is Google Hummingbird?
Hello Friends,

What is Google Hummingbird?

duxte 07-31-2017 10:53 PM

What is Google Hummingbird algorithm update, what is it's meaning for search and how it affects SEO.

neelseofast 07-31-2017 11:00 PM

Google Hummingbird is a search algorithm used by Google.
Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query.

Jessianut 07-31-2017 11:18 PM

“Hummingbird” is the name of the new search platform that Google is using as of September 2013, the name comes from being “precise and fast” and is designed to better focus on the meaning behind the words.

sam657 08-01-2017 03:32 AM

Hummingbird was an algorithm that google used. Now the latest update is Fred by google.

jashanpreet 08-01-2017 06:45 AM

Google announced Hummingbird on September 26, 2013. Whereas previous algorithm updates like Panda and Penguin sparked significant reporting of lost traffic and rankings, Hummingbird did not appear to have drastic negative impacts on the general web.

AliceArifova 08-01-2017 07:55 AM

Hummingbird was an algorithm that google used. Now the latest update is Fred by google.

jashanpreet 08-01-2017 08:00 AM

It is a algorithm used by google announced on september 26,2013.

spobitsseo 08-01-2017 10:02 PM

Google Hummingbird: It is a search algorithm used by Google.

Google started using Hummingbird about August 30, 2013,[3] and announced the change on September 26 on the eve of the company's 15th anniversary.

Gianluca Fiorelli said Hummingbird is about synonyms but also about context. Google always had synonyms, he writes, but with Hummingbird it is also able to judge context thereby judging the intent of a person carrying out a search, to determine what they are trying to find out. This concept is called semantic search.

josephdarryl 08-01-2017 10:48 PM

Google apodiform bird could be a search formula utilized by Google. ... Danny Sullivan same of apodiform bird, "Google same that apodiform bird is paying additional attention to every word in a very question, guaranteeing that the full query—the whole sentence or spoken communication or meaning—is taken into consideration."

dynastyteam 08-01-2017 11:18 PM

Hummingbird places greater emphasis on page content making search results more relevant and pertinent and ensuring that Google delivers users to the most appropriate page of a website, rather than to a home page or top level page.

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