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ORLOVA 01-02-2018 01:01 AM

Why google is not indexing new Url
Why google is not indexing new Url ??

Newspaper Ad Agency in Delhi

fredpeterson543 01-03-2018 11:37 PM

Sometimes it can take a week or more for a search engine to update search results. This is because your website is new and doesn't have any inbound links. First, create an account on Google webmaster tools. When you register and point Google to your sitemap.xml URL you can request them to re-crawl your URLs.

wellliving 01-05-2018 03:28 AM


There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed: The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. ... You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.\

BryceBrady 01-05-2018 04:23 AM

There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed: The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. ... You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.

TomasRenner 01-07-2018 10:23 PM

Maybe you need to wait a little bit. It takes time for Google spiders to index, it doesn't happen over night.

paulh5268 01-08-2018 02:20 AM

There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed:

The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it.
The content of the URL is a duplicate of a page that Google has already crawled.
The contents of the URL are too large (for example, a large PDF).

GeorgeAlbie 01-08-2018 03:04 AM

URLs not indexed. There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed: The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. ... You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.

viola joy 01-08-2018 03:07 AM

ya i will agree

yuvashri 01-10-2018 03:08 AM

There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed: The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.

nathanleo 01-10-2018 03:27 AM

The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. ... You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.

ethnicwear 01-10-2018 05:06 AM

There are several common reasons a URL might not be indexed: The URL doesn't exist or returns an error status when Google tries to crawl it. You can use Webmaster Tools to see any problems Google encountered when crawling URLs in your Sitemap.

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