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wryfhk22 11-23-2011 06:26 PM

Linking Strategy
I've always worked on the belief that linking your pages together through a navigation bar would help search engines crawl your site. However i am now working with a client who has a extremely awkward site layout.

A lot of the pages aren't directly linked together (some not at all ). I've got a sitemap with a link to it inside the front page of the site. Will this cause search engines problems and decrease rankings? Or should i just get the moaning site owner to change it around.

Thanks to anyone who can help

skwmk2012 11-23-2011 10:42 PM

Link building strategy carried out incorrectly can actually decrease keyword ranking and website visibility. The final major component to achieving a well ranked site is to popularity and gives it to them, thus decreasing your chances of ranking well.

cipl123 11-23-2011 11:12 PM

I think you should change the indirect linking because if your website in not properly navigable then it will have impact on your SEO work. So its better to have proper navigation in the linked pages and create both site map xml and html.

rebena 11-24-2011 04:57 AM

Link building strategy is the best way to get quality backlinks.Off page optimization is the best way to promote any kind of business,These techniques creates more backlinks to the websites.They are
Blog commenting
Forum posting
Social book marking
Article submission
Directory submission etc.

tysondcosta11 12-19-2011 11:11 PM

Sitemaps are the most essential part of SEO friendly web sites. It is equally important and useful to both visitors and site owners.

urvigala 12-20-2011 04:39 AM

I would suggest go for off page optimisation. In that Blog commenting and Directory submission are the great ways to get backlinks.

Sandy_DG 12-20-2011 06:15 AM

i also doing some of page tasks for my website.

jerrydu 12-20-2011 10:38 AM

Link building has become so important to improve search engine positioning. There are many different ways of getting back linking. Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the Page Rank of a webpage).

1. Article Submission
2. Forum Posting
3. Directory Submission
4. Blog Commenting
5. Press Releases
6. Social bookmarking

jyotiinfo 12-21-2011 05:53 AM

Thanks for sharing that strategy. It is very useful for us.

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