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janejackson 12-12-2011 02:59 AM

how many friend can add in facebook account?

how many friend can add in facebook account?
I added 4,000+ friends but now could accept other request.

Conrad.McKee 12-12-2011 05:16 AM

don't send request in bulk

shnooky 12-12-2011 01:09 PM

Bulk gets you flagged as spam, it needs to look natural.

gabrielnagy 12-12-2011 04:08 PM

Keep it not abuse the site...can get banned...

jeny 12-15-2011 10:10 PM

Yes they are saying right don't send request in bulk otherwise you are consider as spammer.

hazelbrown 12-15-2011 11:52 PM

you could be banned for this, keep it simple.

marksteve2011 12-16-2011 03:59 AM

5000 is the maximum limit to add friends. Nowadays due to security reasons, Facebook watches people who send friend request to unknown persons on the web.

monica85 12-16-2011 06:51 AM

No idea I already have over 100 so I guess around 1000 or even more...

john5269 12-17-2011 05:56 AM

don't send friend request in bulk

NeoGills 12-17-2011 08:52 AM

Don't posted pornography and don't send request to bulk!
well up to my knowledge i think you can add maximum 5000 friends.

Venus Brown 12-20-2011 05:18 AM

Making too many friends makes you Spammer.May be Facebook could baan your IP.So be cautious.

johnmartin936 12-22-2011 01:58 AM

Don't posted pornography and don't send request to bulk

jonhmark987 01-17-2012 04:37 AM

yes don't send request in bulk

manderson 01-20-2012 02:12 AM

I don't know what's the exact limitation for adding or sending request. but be as simple.else you will be flagged Spam.

marksebastian04 01-27-2012 08:14 AM

one buy one only...

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