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vietnamstyle 03-08-2012 08:07 PM

PR or Alexa...Which is important?
Hi guys
PR or Alexa...Which is important?
I have PR 5 website and its alexa is 366334 and this is my site:
I want to improve my PR.
Any suggestions...

shaswata 03-09-2012 12:48 AM

The alexa ranking depends on the traffic visit. If you get more traffic to your website then your site's alexa will be down.
To increase your site's PR you have to do article submission, directory submission, forum & blog posting, link exchange with high PR sites & link from social media sites so that your site get more PRjuice from that sites.

electra 03-10-2012 03:40 AM

In terms of website value, PR is more important (only to those who knows what Pagerank means)

C.Rebecca 03-10-2012 05:47 AM

None. It’s futile to run after both.

While PR can easily be increased by improving the number of backlinks to your website, Alexa rank can be increased by installing Alexa toolbar on your system and visiting your website a couple of times daily.

Don’t worry yourself sick over these not-so-important metrics, if you enjoy good SERPs, traffic and conversions, you should be chilling! And for that matter, PR5 is not that bad...

jeff.cool25 10-04-2012 03:49 AM

I think both are important..
PR and alexa, Pr shows the page rank at search engines.. And alexa is the calculation fo traffic..

jeff.cool25 10-04-2012 04:09 AM

I think,
PR is important and alexa rank is depend on the traffic of the website.

aymanbinmoshi 10-04-2012 04:11 AM

Of course PR is more important.

sahildd 10-04-2012 05:01 AM

Alexa is depends on your traffic and pr is depends on your site quality so pr is most important

cobo_836 10-04-2012 06:48 PM

Both are important.Alexa ranking is one of the indicators used to evaluate a website visits often quoted.PR value used to grade a method used to identify pages in Google, Google used to measure the quality of a website only.

jamesujjwal 10-04-2012 10:07 PM


PageRank is a link analysis algorithm, named after Larry Page and used by the Google Internet search engine, that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is referred to as the PageRank of E and denoted by PR(E).

kaithyedward 10-04-2012 10:22 PM

According to mine knowledge PR is more important because mostly people follow this and mostly search engine also use the PR.

anshulniet 10-05-2012 01:04 AM

Google Page Rank is more important then Alexa rank because page rank can effect and have importance in your SERP so it is Important in SEO but Alexa rank is only based on traffic history of your website and it has no importance in SERP.

Diane Forster 10-05-2012 03:52 AM

Both are important when you want to measure your website's performance but more than that you can safely call them the indicators of your site's authority and quality.The most important thing in SEO is ranking high in Google/ search engines which will drive online conversions and you can achieve that through keyword optimization and other equally essential on and off page SEO techniques.

muzz 10-05-2012 06:44 AM

PR and alexa both are important you can get high PR with good articles submissions,directory submission with related categorize etc and you can down your alexa with good traffic rating when you get more traffic your alexa will be down

micklaisy 10-07-2012 01:56 PM

Pr is important...........

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