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-   -   HTML5, Multiple H1's and SEO ( 06-11-2012 05:09 AM

HTML5, Multiple H1's and SEO
Right, I'm slowly starting to use HTML5 in more of my sites now - bit by bit. For instance, I'll use the HTML5 doctype with at least a header, nav, footer, section and article tags. TO me, they all make semantic sense.

However, the one thing that I still can't accept is HTML5 allowing multiple h1 tags per page E.g. a h1 tag per element. Whilst this does make semantic sense, I'm not sold at on it from an SEO point of view. for instance, it's widely know that multiple h1s can trigger spam checks on a website.

From an SEO point of view, a single h1, with cascading levels of headers makes more sense. However, for a long time, the 'rule' if you like has been one h1 per page - to represent the content of the whole page.

I've been trying to do a bit of digging to find out the current situation with this and I'm now totally lost. Lots of opposing views and opinions, all with their positives and negatives.

For example, I'm currently developing our company website - so SEO needs to be top priority. I've added in the new HTML5 tags but don't feel confident enough to use lots of h1's.

Just out of interest, what are your opinions on this and would you, currently, go as far to use multiple h1s per page?

I can see why a lot of our bigger competitors have redesigned their sites using just the html5 doctype and let normal html4 markup :) As this is company website, that currently does quite well SEO wise, I'm very tempted to do the same - simply to be safe.

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