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Asher ross 06-20-2012 07:50 AM

7 Tips to stay relevant on Twitter
Using Twitter you give is choice, no one but you controls how to communicate in the micro-blog, but if you want to get your followers to become a real audience and that audience will also consider a trusted user, worthy of your time line and also a leader, you should consider yourself a good reputation.

Following are 7 tips to get a good reputation on Twitter:

1. Follow all your followers

have always compared to Twitter with a party, and when we speak at a party not only appreciate when we greet and listen, we will also reciprocate by listening to the other guests. There are two reasons to follow who follows us, says Guy Kawasaki, founder of All top. command Twitter superstar, the first is courtesy, the second, the possibility of communication through direct messages.
For many users, direct messages meet the e-mail service, certainly not effective in all cases. To follow all your followers not include spam accounts or other types of users as I mentioned in a previous post, are clearly not value interaction. I bite my tongue not to mention names of several"Twitter snobs"Spanish-speaking Twitter are sitting on a throne without listening to thousands of people who are still not matched, that's snobbery and ownership, these acts of sheer indifference create a reputation for arrogance.

2. Share relevant information
If for example you are an expert in technology, or is the subject that you like, do not make your entire timeline on information about this topic, other topics of general interest that are relevant at the time and we all want to talk and know .Moreover, the philosophy of the new age of communication is about sharing. If you keep information to take advantage of just for you, not only are you being selfish, those refusing the opportunity for others to share with you information that will surely find useful and great. You're not cutting edge if you are the first uses new ideas and methods to discover other, you are there when you share and effective feedback to improve the results of your creations. By sharing information relevant to your followers are adding value to others.

3. Answer all the @ replies

Twitter is about connecting with others, you will never achieve get the main benefit of Twitter, which is to relate, if you engage in conversations.
There are several Twitter snobs in Spanish speaking @ replie hardly an answer. Personally I must confess that I have been most successful in addressing the great figures of Twitter (including celebrities) as others, the famous Spanish-speaking users (this is where I turn to bite my tongue not to mention the names of those who never answered the @ replies and so not only stop but also try to follow).For Latinos seem to like to make a difference hierarchies and class (only in Latin America find theaters VIP) that is a major obstacle to adapt to the principles of Social Media. not imitate snob that user, try to change our paradigms if we by relating succeed personally and professionally in social networks. Let-media social-media and not only. Get involved.

4. It regularly tweet

It is easy to lose attention to messages posted by users irregular, I do not mean you have to do tweet every day of the week, or publish a large number of tweets a day to have a good reputation, but if you try to be constant, having a presence on Twitter. I do not think it necessary to have a schedule tweets, although that recommend some blogs specialize in social media and Twitter, participation in the micro-blog or any other social network should not be considered a job, unless that one brand represents yourself.

5. Be relevant outside Twitter
You can not expect to have an excellent reputation and a leader of opinion by the mere fact of having a Twitter account and spend time conversing with your followers and friends. Those who manage to be relevant on Twitter have interesting blogs that enjoy the taste of many readers, have an interesting job outside the networks, are developers and / or talented entrepreneurs. projects that take place outside of Twitter will give you prestige, will appeal to others on Twitter because the achievements are recognized, small and large. It is clear that Twitter users looking to relate to who can work with our own projects and enrich our experience in some way on Twitter.

6. Share your personal and professional life
It is impossible to separate your personal life and career on Twitter, and if you do, then you are not doing social media. One of the best strategies to attract people is to have its own personality, ignores the solemnity that characterizes the past professionals and politicians come to Twitter to make friends, not looking for work or votes, but of course that these may come later, thanks to friends searched first.

7. Share your own content
You can share information very relevant during the time you spend on Twitter, but if you do not share content you generate on your own site will be very difficult to win admiration and prestige. Recognition of Twitter followers and friends to stay abreast of all kinds of new and timely sharing will not bring you one of the biggest benefits that can bring you Twitter, which is the projection of who you are and you do.Of course, it is recommended that abuses, if you share only your content, you are considered SPAM and nobody wants to be friends with someone who not only takes importance to its own recognition of what your friends are also
highly valued in Twitter.

I hope these tips are useful for someone who wants to gain relevance in Twitter, you need not be famous or be someone with a track record of successful professionals to have a captive audience on Twitter, it's all about sharing and connecting with others. Let us know what you think of these tips.

ryangetty 06-21-2012 03:36 AM

Nice posting thanks for this sharing.

rajivwebads 06-22-2012 04:40 AM

Thanks very much for sharing these valuable tips about how to stay relevant on Twitter.

jeny 06-26-2012 10:44 PM

Very nice tips thanks.

JACKADEN 07-01-2012 09:37 PM

I think the tips are really fantastic.

film103 02-03-2014 08:22 AM

Thank you for this information. I am just getting involved on twitter. I do share content we've created, but I need to increase my tweets.

WooServers 02-03-2014 11:51 PM

Thanks for sharing such a good knowledge base with us!

josephcaron 02-04-2014 04:53 AM

Really Fantastic tips. On Twitter.................................

adtrack 02-05-2014 12:31 AM

Thanks for sharing

jhony117 02-05-2014 05:09 AM

These type of post are really helpful for all members.
Thanks and keep it up.

Repucaution 02-19-2014 02:12 AM

As twitter is one of the most popular social media sites today, these tips will be really useful, thanks.

realviewlike 02-19-2014 03:40 AM

Your content is king for me, Really nice post.

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