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ooffrrttjaaj 07-24-2012 12:47 AM

Why Java is so popular ?
Hi guys, tell me why java is so popular ?

kayhongbearings 07-24-2012 01:54 AM

I think mainly because because of its functional uses.

AdamNagourney 07-26-2012 12:52 AM

Java is open source.Java is object-oriented and familiar.Java is provide security and many plug-in are available in Java.Most famous Mobile os are Android and it's build of java.

bplaza 08-04-2012 04:18 AM

Open Source
Platform independent
Works on any device
high level language
Easy to work on

cobo_836 08-08-2012 10:22 PM

I think the main reason is that Java easy to learn. First, Java is not C + + and more complex features, followed by Java on the release than the C + + is much better.

Detomah 09-18-2012 10:35 AM

Java is a base language, it is object orientated and essentially global, it has so many practical applications and when done right, the results are outstanding.

I love this language and knowing how to work with it.

arunt 09-25-2012 01:36 AM

Java is object oriented, platform independent and more secure.

henryc10 10-31-2012 07:55 PM

I think there are three main reasons why Java is so popular:

1. It is free unlike the other rivals.

2. Platform independence (Write Once Run Anywhere). Briefly, once you write the application, it can run in many different environments.

3. Automatic Garbage collection (Memory management)

Josephsanaya 11-02-2012 03:03 AM

Java is an object-oriented terminology similar to C++, but simple to remove terminology functions that cause common development mistakes. Java resource value information (files with a .java extension) are collected into a structure known as bytecode, which can then be implemented by a Coffee translator.

tonnisymond 12-03-2012 02:24 AM

Java is probably the only viable language that works on other than Microsoft's OS and the execution speed is pretty good in Java.Microsoft has now adopted a Java-like architecture with .NET which also make use vital.

jaysh4922 12-11-2012 10:32 PM

Java is popular because of:

Platform independence
Sound object-oriented foundation
Functionally rich APIs available for the environment (e.g. EJB, Web Services, etc)

Some of the deployment issues you raise relate more to how some Java apps are developed moreso than there being issues with the Java "platform" itself. The fact you are still supporting Java 1.4 environments means you're having to support some really outdated Java environments and I would look to the Java application vendors as to why they rely on such outdated Java environments....

RohanJaiswal 04-23-2013 12:14 AM

Java is object oriented programming language and it is platform independent language i.e. write once and run anywhere.

Avilash 04-25-2013 12:23 AM

java is so popular because of its simple syntax and platform independence features, it supports oops and become the base of many other languages.

akash.dehradun 05-20-2013 11:30 PM

Java is a amazing programming language, or we can say it as a best technology in today's scenario,
java is a open source programming language and it is very strong in sense of security issues,
also java programmers can develop both desktop and windows applications.

This is a tag line of JAVA by SUN MICROSYSTEMS.

shivendra11 05-24-2013 01:50 AM

Why Java is so popular ?
Java is popular because java is very secure language of programming.

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