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titly555 12-03-2012 02:11 AM

What is SMO?

Please tell me What is SMO?

I am waiting for your reply…………. :eek:

jesse12 12-03-2012 03:13 AM

SMO (Social Media Optimization) used to make our website for the p[eoples who is using these website. In this way we are able to create some more user and visitors for our website in a minimum time.

Hope this will helpful for you.

muzz 12-03-2012 05:10 AM

Social Media Optimization (SMO)
promoting websites with the help of SMO

likit 12-03-2012 05:23 AM

It stands for Social media optimization.......for promoting websites through social networking sites.

coolmanish 12-05-2012 03:39 AM

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

dean1122 12-09-2012 12:12 AM

Social media optimization (also known as SMO or social SEO) is the methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content. SMO is one of many online methods of website optimization. One of the many other methods is search engine optimization or SEO.

There are two types of social media optimization methods:
Social media features added to the content itself, including: RSS feeds, social news and sharing buttons, user rating and polling tools, and incorporating third-party community functionalities like images and videos
Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted, including: blogging, commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups, and posting status updates on social networking profiles

IAMalfin 12-09-2012 10:37 PM

SMO refers to the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand or event.

manojob 12-09-2012 11:47 PM

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It indicates the use of number of social media sites and communities to create publicity to increase the awareness of a particular brand.

Kenank 12-10-2012 01:07 AM

SMO is Social Media Optimization-Nowadays social media plays an important role to generate the business revenue as well as traffic for the various kind of website. There are many kind of users are involved in various social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google plus.

sam davis 12-10-2012 01:08 AM

SMO is defined by the distribution of social objects and their ability to rise to the top of any related search query, where and when its performed.

andrewhoward123 12-11-2012 01:34 AM

I didn't know this,Thanks for this information...

zitoitalahold 12-12-2012 02:34 AM

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. SMO tactics can drive huge amounts of people to a website and can also determine whether a startup, website or idea will make it or not.

Mike Maravilla 12-12-2012 03:30 AM

It stands for Social Media optimization. It is done through Social Media Tumbler,Facebook,Twitter,Ibibo..etc

James Andy 12-12-2012 09:50 AM

Social media optimization is a great technique by which you can get more traffic and business for the website. If your website has huge traffic then you can earn by Google adsence.

john mathew 12-29-2012 04:03 AM

Thanks for your post

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