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sonamsharma 12-05-2018 02:52 AM

How Many type of update Google seo..?
Hello friends,

How Many type of update Google seo..?

wiliamjamesh 12-07-2018 03:11 AM

The Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a "major" algorithmic update such as Google Panda and Google Penguin,that affects search results in significant ways.

Prateektechnoso 12-12-2018 06:11 AM

Google has lot of Google Algorithm updates like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird and so on. Possum Update is the latest update of Google to give quality SERP for users.

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Prateektechnosoft is a Netsuite Partner and expertise in NetSuite ERP, CRM, Cloud CRM, PSA and other Netsuite Solutions. And also providing Netsuite services of implementation, integration, support & development services.

RH-Calvin 12-12-2018 10:47 AM

Google update is actually the algorithm changes Google makes in their search engine to rank websites accordingly. Some major Google updates are:

- Google Penguin
- Google Panda
- Google Hummingbird
- Google EMD
- Google Pigeon

rajkiran 05-30-2019 02:38 AM

- Google Penguin
- Google Panda
- Google Hummingbird
- Google EMD
- Google Pigeon

Zora2012 05-30-2019 03:53 AM

First, let me get the obligatory “Google makes hundreds of algorithm changes per year, often more than one per day” boilerplate out of the way. Many of the named algorithms we hear about (Penguin, Panda, Pigeon, Fred, etc.) are implemented to address specific faults or issues in Google’s algorithms.
The Medic Update was one of the most cataclysmic algorithmic events to hit the SERP for quite some time and it's important to remember that. Much of the worry and intrigue surrounding the March 2019 Core Update gains its context from what occurred in August of 2018

aesthetiqclinic 05-30-2019 04:17 AM

There are major types of Google update that are Google panda update and Google penguin update. Later on Google has also introduced Hummingbird update

manige3e 05-30-2019 02:47 PM

Google’s algorithm updates have always been the talk of the SEO town, with 2018’s series of updates bringing in big ranking changes to a variety of different websites. With updates like the Google Medic impacting website content and search rankings, Google always finds a way to optimize their search engine to ensure that users would be getting the best results.

The updates that we have seen in 2018 also mean that 2019 would be no less different, as Google never sleeps and makes sure that their tools and search engines remain up and running for users and SEO professionals to use. With this in mind, a lot of SEO professionals have been expecting possible updates as soon as 2019 rolled in, and within a few days, it looks like Google has launched another impactful update to begin the year. Here are our thoughts on this new update and how it affects your SEO.

Tracking the update
When tracking algorithm updates and ranking fluctuations we use SEMRush and Accuranker to see how many search rankings are fluctuating.

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