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sudeepkhana 10-01-2019 04:34 AM

Why Social media is effective for marketing?
Why Social media is effective for marketing?

RH-Calvin 10-02-2019 02:59 AM

Social media helps to promote your content, images and videos to gain more traffic to your website.

alvin_hoffman 10-03-2019 05:47 AM

Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms that can be used to increase your business visibility. ... By applying a social media strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand recognition.

Advice Pro 10-03-2019 01:56 PM

1. Increase brand awareness
2. Drive traffic to your website
3. Generate new leads
4. Grow revenue (by increasing signups or sales)
5. Boost brand engagement
6. Build a community around your business
7. Effective social customer service
8. Increase mentions in the press
9. Never miss a mention through social listening

9 Social Media Goals You Can Set for Your Business (and How to Track Them)

ORLOVA 10-03-2019 10:47 PM

Part of what makes social channels like Twitter and Instagram effective marketing tools is the interaction you have with your customer base. By reading their tweets and status updates, you’ll gain insights into their daily lives and consumer behaviors, and answer questions such as:

What products are they buying and why?
What hobbies do they have?
What kinds of posts do they love to share?
What websites do they visit?

arianagrand 10-03-2019 10:48 PM

That can be a challenge when you’re first developing your social media marketing strategy. A lot of companies instinctively take a hard sell approach, inundating their followers with discount offer codes, new product announcements and customer reviews. Then, when the account only brings in modest traffic gains, they assume social just isn’t a good fit for their brand.

leenahahim 10-13-2019 10:18 PM

Social media is an effective way to build relationships and customers that lead to greater satisfaction and loyalty over time. Always Engaging on your customers and leads on social media helps you build stronger customer relationships.

Mr.Yoso 10-15-2019 12:31 AM

Social media is not meant for effective marketing but as a platform to establish connections of every people.

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