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Old 10-20-2016, 07:18 AM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 15
It is a tool which helps you to target and attract the right audience for your website.

Think about it this way: People search on Google and other search engines. Behind every search, there is a need to be fulfilled, a problem to be solved. For example, you might use the keyword "how to play the guitar" or "guitar tips" ( The problem - you don't know how to play the guitar and want to learn how )

Some keywords have high commercial intent whereas others have very low commercial intent. For example, "best insomnia p i l l s" is a keyphrase with a very high buyer intent, the user has a problem (insomnia) and he or she needs a relief (p i l l s). "When was John Lennon born" on the other hand, has zero buyer intent.

So the purpose of using keywords in SEO is to target relevant keywords which can drive targeted traffic to your website. These will be different for every industry and niche. By doing an amazing job at On-Site and Off-Site optimization, you can rank your website in the top results in Google and hence, drive f r e e targeted traffic to your site.

Mr. Genius
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