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Adam Green 08-31-2015 06:01 AM

Welcome to SpaceCDN.

Working with the leading providers we offer the best conditions possible. Your clients will get your data very quickly because they will receive it from the closest loaction possible. Your resource will stand virtually any load and you won’t have to spend much time on new personal network deployment that may become very costly.

Come to us today - connect to CDN with our help and use all advantages of such solution for the development of your business. You may order CDN on the official website by using live chat or via email - write to and our team of professional spe cia lists will eagerly help you.

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Adam Green 09-03-2015 04:48 AM

The advantages of dedicated server

If we compare dedicated server to VPS or shared hosting, we should say that it has the following advantages:
1. Project speed - you will instantly understand that your project became much faster and this will help to attract more visitors.
2. Flexibility. Dedicated server will allow to install any compatible application you may need and set them up according to the needs of your project.
3. Scalability. Dedicated server will easily deal with increased traffic amount and will stay a reliable platform.
4. Increased security level. You will be using the dedicated server for your projects only and that’s why security settings will be more flexible for you.

Dedicated server is vital for a successful business-project. It will provide with needed stability, reliability and the level of productivity.

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Adam Green 09-07-2015 06:19 AM

InxyHost project offers dedicated servers for reasonable prices. We are ready to help you with the configuration you need and our solution will be quality and reliable. Our data-centers are located in Netherlands and in the USA. We strive to give the clients all the best - our servers are full-managed (you will never have to deal with technical issues if you don’t want to), individual choice of configuration, free of charge support on every stage of your order and project transmission.

We long to satisfy all our clients needs. To get help and to order dedicated server please write us to our email or via live chat on the official website

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Adam Green 09-11-2015 05:40 AM

Info on CDN technology

Different companies offer CDN nodes in different locations. The CDN use allows to narrow the costs on traffic, to make the content availability better in different points of the world. The number of nodes among every provider is different as well as the number of servers.
The queries for content usually are coming o nodes via the optimal route. During the optimization process the nodes that are able to bring content to the end user with maximum performance are chosen. Nevertheless the optimization can be also according to the cost - sometimes the nodes with cheaper traffic are chosen and they may not be optimal in terms of routes.

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Adam Green 09-14-2015 04:03 AM

Speed is vital for everybody these days. It is necessary to achieve the best results in every type of business. Nevertheless, you won’t get it without specialized instruments, such as CDN. This content distribution network will allow the users all over the world to get your content much faster. For you CDN means happy clients, saving on traffic, the decrease of load on your server. We work with the best providers - UCDN, Highwinds and EdgeCast and will help you connect to them easily.

You may reach us via email , via live chat on the website or via skype

kmjyoti 09-15-2015 02:25 AM

Great! thanks for this information.

Adam Green 09-25-2015 03:55 AM

About managed dedicated server

Managed dedicated server can be understood as the bundle of hardware, software and efforts to keep it all up and running. There may also be other services that provide much deeper levels of administration.

Usually such management is performed by professional admins. It includes:

• operating system updates
• sowtware updates
• performing of backups
• technical support, phone support included
• monitoring of the server state
• firewall configuration
• management of databases and different applications

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Adam Green 09-28-2015 06:26 AM

InxyHost is ready to offer you the best dedicated servers. The more complex your task is, the more resources you need, and if you wish your audience to be satisfied with performance, it is the best option to choose dedicated server as your hosting platform.

Have no experience? No worries, our experts will help you to get the right configuration for your needs and according to your budget. We are working with Dell dedicated servers, that are known to perform their task well. All our servers are full-managed, that means that you can think about your business and not about technical issues or hardships.

To find out more or order dedicated server, please head to and write to us via live chat or skype

Adam Green 10-02-2015 05:03 AM

CDN will help to enhance loading speed of your website

If you need to make the work of your website faster and all the standard optimization methods fail to work, it is time to pay attention to the content distribution networks - CDN.

Such networks are used for storing static files of your website in such way, that when users come to your website, they are taken from CDN servers and not from the main server, reducing latency significantly. It may help, for example, enhance loading time of such files, as CSS and JavaScript and therefore the website itself will be loaded much quicker. Such networks usually use great caching technologies, that gives the users all over the world the ability to get your content much quicker.

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Adam Green 10-05-2015 05:58 AM

SpaceCDN offers connection to the leading CDN providers, such as UCDN, Highwinds and Edgecast. You can benefit right now - give your resource the opportunity to use the power of literally thousands of servers. It will help to stand even the highest loads and to distribute content simultaneously to thousands of clients that are located in different parst of the world.

Also CDN will be great for enhancing the speed of complex web-applications. It is easy to begin working with CDN - just write to our Skype or to live chat on our official website , get the free consultation from our CDN speci alists and proceed to the setup.

Adam Green 10-09-2015 09:24 AM

What is hosting?

Hosting is the type of Internet service that allows to host websites, content or applications on the Internet. Hosting companies usually provide space on servers located in data centers or the whole servers to the disposal of their clients. They also provide their clients with the connection to the Internet.

Hosting may cost differently. It is determined first of all by the needed amount of resources. For example, the website, consisting of one page, requires minimum of resources, and that is why such hosting may be cheap or even free of charge. Complex business sites, on the contrary, require support of databases and different development platforms, allowing to install ready scripts or to write own scripts for forums and CMS.

Hosting companies may also provide interface or control panel that allows to manage the server, to install scripts and other modules.

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Adam Green 10-13-2015 03:36 AM

InxyHost offers great dedicated servers in Netherlands and the USA for great prices. Here are our benefits:
• we have configuration for any need
• our technical support is always ready and willing to help
• we use pay-as-you-go system
• our servers are located in reliable data-centers
• all our servers are managed

If you need quality and reliability, you’ve come to the right place. Our technical spe******ts will give you the needed variant for a good price. Please contact us via Skype or via chat on the official websited

Adam Green 10-16-2015 04:51 AM

The work of KVM

KVM is an independent device that gives the remote access to dedicated server through the IP protocol. Due to KVM one may perform, for example, such operation as BIOS configuration. KVM does not rely on the policies of the operating systems and it means that it works totally independently. The Virtual Media technology is used here widely, and with its help the data is transmitted via the IP protocol. It allows to install different programs remotely, even the full operating system.

KVM allows to work with different types of signals and with transmitted contents, controlling incoming and outgoing data.

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Adam Green 10-19-2015 06:00 AM

Do you want to deliver your content fast in different points of the world? SpaceCDN will help you to achieve that. We will connect you to the world best providers, solving the most important tasks that arises for any modern web-project - quick loading time. It can be achieved due to the fact that your content will be given away from the closest server to the user.

Our CDN solutions are the best in terms of quality, speed, reliability and security.

The quality technical team will help you choose correct provider for your needs and will quickly connect you to CDN. Write to us on the official website or to Skype

Adam Green 11-05-2015 06:33 AM

Choosing correct hosting

Hosting is known to be the one of the most popular services on the net and you have to choose it thoroughly. Its quality may be different, but there are several advices that will let you prevent most common errors.

The choice of hosting is an important task and you have to treat it with maximum responsibility.

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