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Dentcare 02-01-2017 10:52 PM

Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow?
Hi All,

Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow?

Dentcare 02-01-2017 10:54 PM

Best way of getting a natural backlink to our site?
Hi Friends,

How to getting a natural backlink to our site?

Dentcare 02-01-2017 11:00 PM

404 pages affect rankings?
Hi Friends,

Kindly clarify, Can 404 pages affect rankings our websites?

juliagrace 02-01-2017 11:08 PM

Even though, it's a good practice to use Nofollow link attribute to those link, where you don't want to pass link-juice. Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website

collaberex 02-01-2017 11:43 PM

Nofollow link is an HTML Attribute value used to instruct search engines bots that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index
Dofollow allows google to follow them and reach our website

paulwilson21 02-02-2017 12:05 AM

Links that “point” to another site are called do follow links. These pass link juice to a page, help to increase its PageRank and raise its profile to the search engines. The more natural do follow links a website/page has, the higher it is likely to rank online.

AshokDixit89 02-02-2017 12:09 AM

No-follow links - No follow links attributes do not allow search engine bots to follow a link.That means if the website owner is linking back to you with No follow attributes, it does not pass on link juice.

Do-follow links - Do follow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink.

nancy07 02-02-2017 01:39 AM

There is a lot of difference between no follow and do follow. It's like day and night.

There is a term called juice, which a website passes when it links to another website.
Here are major differences:

No follow:
Don't pass the juice
Consider the link as non-trusted
You don't get a benefit of the website's high PR.

Do follow:
Passes the juice
Consider the link as trusted
Benefit of website's high PR
Help is link building.

siva 02-02-2017 02:27 AM

Links that “point” to another site are called do follow links. These pass link juice to a page, help to increase its PageRank and raise its profile to the search engines. The more natural do follow links a website/page has, the higher it is likely to rank online.

jamesrobertt 02-02-2017 03:32 AM

Even though, it's a good practice to use Nofollow link attribute to those link, where you don't want to pass link-juice. Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink.

whitebolt 02-02-2017 05:12 AM

Links that “point” to another site are called do follow links. These pass link juice to a page, help to increase its PageRank and raise its profile to the search engines.

tionnasmith 04-21-2017 03:05 AM

Dofollow: This is the type of backlink that link builders will create for SEO purposes. Backlinks created at high PR sources will pass on the link juices towards the hyperlinked blog, thereby significantly improving its ranking position among the search engines.

Nofollow: nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML a element to instruct some search engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index.

Dipika 04-21-2017 03:38 AM

Nofollow link: In this link google bot won’t crawl the link and won’t pass any link juice.
Dofollow link: In this link passes link juice and they definitely help you much, in order to achieve better page rank.

sashwatmegh 04-21-2017 05:48 AM

Do-follow link is an attribute of link, if link is “do follow” then search engines will follows the link and so link juice gets passed, while no follow link dosnt pass the link juice so dont affect search ranking.

tyagi 04-27-2017 12:23 AM

Even though, it's a good practice to use Nofollow link attribute to those link, where you don't want to pass link-juice. Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. ... If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you

Thank you~!

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