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bongbang92 06-27-2018 07:01 PM

What is Bad Backlink ?
I want to know what is backlink and how is bad backlink ?:o:o:o

Krina 06-27-2018 09:19 PM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

ridhudhadwal 06-27-2018 09:32 PM

bad backlink create problems and decrease your website ranking

Ecozaar 06-27-2018 10:43 PM

bad backlink is one that doesn't generate a lot of organic traffic in comparison to the traffic the page that is linking out gets. If the linking-out page gets 100 hits a day, and the link generates 2 or 3 click throughs a week, it's - in my opinion - a "bad link". The original point of a link was for people to click on it.

phsecure2018 06-28-2018 12:11 AM

A bad backlink is a link that comes from a not-so trusted website.Having low-quality, spam backlinks pointing to your website is not only bad from a ranking point of view but it can also be extremely detrimental to the credibility of your brand.

loganjake 06-28-2018 12:28 AM

Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

nathanleo 06-28-2018 04:56 AM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

nathanleo 06-28-2018 10:10 PM

To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

stellasweety 06-28-2018 11:41 PM

A bad backlink is a link that comes from a not-so trusted website.Having low-quality, spam backlinks pointing to your website is not only bad from a ranking point of view but it can also be extremely detrimental to the credibility of your brand.

loganjake 06-29-2018 12:15 AM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

Ashmibanu 06-29-2018 02:46 AM

A terrible backlink originates from inconsequential and untrusted sources. Destinations that have been punished and those that are damaging Google's Webmaster Guidelines can negatively affect your SEO. To abstain from having terrible backlinks, you need to play out a brisk site review to every one of the destinations you intend to assemble connects on.

certvalue111 06-29-2018 03:42 AM

what is a bad backlink
A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO.
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RJR Hospital 06-29-2018 03:55 AM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

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woodtechkitchen 06-29-2018 03:59 AM

I agree with above comments

harshithaasin 06-29-2018 05:07 AM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

muruganram 06-29-2018 06:27 AM

A bad backlink comes from unrelated and untrusted sources. Sites that have been penalized and those that are violating Google's Webmaster Guidelines can have a negative impact on your SEO. To avoid having bad backlinks, you have to perform a quick website audit to all the sites you plan to build links on.

nathanleo 12-13-2021 10:12 PM

Before Google launched the Penguin algorithm, websites were violating Google Webmaster Guidelines with black hat SEO.

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