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jerzy_jey 11-14-2011 10:38 PM

what is keyword proximity?
what is keyword proximity?

emailmarketing1 11-14-2011 10:57 PM

The results of keyword proximity may be seen by taking a moment to perform a search in your favorite search engine. If you target a keyword phrase, you will often find that the difference between your keyword search and the same search using "stop words" (e.g. in, and, we, and of course, your company name or Website address) are vastly different. You should avoid "filler words" or "stop words" between important keywords. This is because if you can top the search engine results for non-broken phrases, you will be more likely to top a search engine for the broken search phrase as well. This is to say, far more likely than the reverse. Also, the logical search and the keyword phrase reversed (e.g. widgets Kansas vs. Kansas widgets) return much different results. Therefore, proximity should be used wisely.

shockgarden143 11-14-2011 11:44 PM

what is keyword proximity?
Keyword proximity refer the closeness of two keywords.

Online_Loan 11-14-2011 11:54 PM

Keyword proximity is the combination of the density of a keyword and the prominence. So proximity looks at the location of the keyword in the sentence and how often it's being used in that sentence and also takes into account the distance between them

Ammy Tisdale 11-14-2011 11:59 PM

Keyword Proximity is the repetition of the keyword that increases the focus on the keyword like website design, designing website, website designing, design a website etc.

aarisseo 11-15-2011 06:09 AM

Keyword proximity refers to the closeness between two or more keywords. In general, the closer the keywords are, the better.

alliecandy 07-13-2017 12:22 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants”.

valentinebruce9 07-13-2017 12:39 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants”.

jamesrobertt 07-13-2017 02:11 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants

Fivesok 07-13-2017 02:52 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the space among the hunt term's person key phrases. For example : A website incorporates the keywords that make up the quest time period “dentist boston implant” inside the heading “your expert dentist in boston; dental exercise for minimally invasive implants”.

seodubaisignadv 07-13-2017 03:00 AM

Hi to all, i am one of the new member.

lilianalilly 07-13-2017 03:01 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants”.

seodubaisignadv 07-13-2017 03:03 AM

Hi to all, i am one of the new member

jordanangel 07-13-2017 03:41 AM

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants”.

kanagaseo 07-13-2017 03:42 AM

eyword proximity refers to the distance in space, as calculated in inside the keywords as well as the phrases together with the keywords without recurrence and with related significance. Experts say that more close the keywords are more better.

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