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ooffrrttjaaj 08-16-2012 12:45 PM

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Flash over other web interface technologies? Give some examples of when you have used different technologies and why?

eswari 09-09-2012 10:28 PM

Flash technology is the fact that it makes it possible to make your Website more interactive and expressive. There are no issues with cross browser compatibility when using Flash.
Flash websites take longer to load the website. So you may lose more visitors.
Very big disadvantage is the requirement of a flash player to be installed for watching flash movies.

milina788 10-10-2012 12:35 AM

The most appropriate advantage of flash designing technique is that, it can make your designing much impressive and good looking which is the most important part of the website.
But when we are talking about disadvantage then we can say that it is not SEO friendly because it takes too much time to load and search engine hates such websites.

JaciKing 11-08-2012 02:52 AM

Advantages :
-Using Flash make web site more interactive and expressive.
-Flash is browser independent so cross browser compatibility.
-Flash is vector based and support audio, animation handling. Sometime it allows incorporation of bitmaps.

-Takes long time to load
-Flash require a plugin
-It is difficult to optimize for search engine.

tanujagrawal 05-01-2013 06:23 AM

Advantages of Flash Technology

The most obvious advantage of using Flash technology is the fact that it makes it possible to make your Website more interactive and expressive. By using interactive features ranging from feedback forms to games and movies, your Website can become more interesting to your site visitors. Clearly, the more interesting your Website, the more likely people are going to explore your site further.

Disadvantages of Flash Technology

While there are some advantages to Flash technology, there are several disadvantages as well. For example, Websites that feature Flash features tend to take longer to load than those that do not. If your Website takes too long to load, you may lose potential visitors. Clearly, it doesn’t matter how impressive your Website looks if no one takes the time to wait for it to load.

thavertech 09-25-2013 01:52 AM


It makes the website look and feel very attractive as compare to the other.


One main disadvantage is without plugin we cannot open it in smartphones.

thavertech 09-25-2013 01:55 AM

It makes the website look and feel very attractive as compare to the other.


One main disadvantage is without plugin we cannot open it in smartphones.

Ahmed yatee 10-04-2013 04:32 PM

flash technology puts a unique touch on your website and makes it was so different and attractive but it has that disadvantage of being slow at loading up.

vickyjohn 11-06-2013 10:21 PM

flash makes the website bright and colorful, but the disadvantage is website will load slower a bit

pxljobs 08-09-2016 12:18 AM

Vector based,support audio animation,easy to learn,bandwidth efficient,widely used,large developer community.
Break web fundamentals,distract from site core values

citsweb 10-19-2016 01:52 AM

The main advantage of using Adobe Flash is that, it helps to give your site a more interactive and expressive outlook.

Flash technology have always been slower than the sites that do not use it. Websites with Flash technology take very long to load and this can turn visitors off.

henrylos 10-20-2016 08:54 AM

The most obvious advantage of using Flash technology is the fact that it makes it possible to make your Website more interactive and expressive. By using interactive features ranging from feedback forms to games and movies, your Website can become more interesting to your site visitors. Clearly, the more interesting your Website, the more likely people are going to explore your site further.

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