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ashwinkumar 10-03-2017 10:08 PM

What is Indexing?
What is Indexing?

deepakrajput 10-03-2017 10:39 PM

When we submit our website to search engines they index it to read.

viola joy 10-03-2017 10:41 PM

indexing is the process of adding webpages into Google search. Depending upon which meta tag you used (index or NO-index), Google will crawl and index your pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be added into the web search's index.

omraut 10-03-2017 11:11 PM

The Google index is similar to an index in a library

Hashmicro 10-03-2017 11:35 PM

Indexing means to adding the web pages in google.

cevyt 10-03-2017 11:46 PM

link the value of (prices, wages, or other payments) automatically to the value of a price index.

cevyt 10-03-2017 11:46 PM

In layman's terms, indexing is the process of adding webpages into Google search. Depending upon which meta tag you used (index or NO-index), Google will crawl and index your pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be added into the web search's index

cevyt 10-03-2017 11:47 PM

It is the source data in Google’s index that ultimately determines the value of different search terms and keywords. Search engines apply their algorithms to the available data, and measure the frequency of different factors under different conditions, which factors are related to one another and so on. The index includes not just the URLs, but all content, including texts, images, videos and, in principle, everything within the HTML code of the URL.

cevyt 10-03-2017 11:47 PM

The information garnered from this analysis flows back into Google’s algorithm to provide a new assessment of the index data, which attempts to understand which content best meets which user intent. The Google search results, or rankings, are then calculated on the basis of this content assessment.

jamesrobertt 10-04-2017 12:14 AM

In layman's terms, ordering is the way toward including website pages into Google look. Contingent on which meta label you utilized (file or NO-record), Google will creep and file your pages. A no-record label implies that that page won't be included into the web hunt's file.

LydiaAaron 10-09-2017 04:12 AM

In layman's terms, indexing is the process of adding webpages into Google search. Depending upon which meta tag you used (index or NO-index), Google will crawl and index your pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be added into the web search's index.

johnapple07 10-09-2017 05:09 AM

Indexing is the process of adding your webpages to search engines like google, bing , yahoo, yandex. Based on the meta tag you used (index or NO-index), Google will crawl and index your webpage pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be added into the web search's index.

gurunath 10-09-2017 05:09 AM

Indexing is the process of search engines crawling your web pages and storing them in a database. If your website is not indexed, then it won't show up in search engine results. Search engines regularly update their indexes by crawling the web repeatedly.

abinaya89 10-09-2017 05:17 AM

In layman's terms, indexing is the process of adding webpages into Google search. Depending upon which meta tag you used (index or NO-index), Google will crawl and index your pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be added into the web search's index.

sathyamelectron 10-09-2017 05:35 AM

Another example is database indexing, which involves creating an index for a database structure to help expedite retrieval of data. One common type of indexing in IT is called "search engine indexing." ... This type of indexing is also sometimes called Web indexing.

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